Make nns/gudz close to RFC #114

dstepanov-yadro merged 3 commits from achuprov/frostfs-contract:fix/change_gudz into master 2024-11-02 14:21:47 +00:00
8 changed files with 604 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
# Globally unique domain zone
**Make sure you understand the [basic concepts](../nns/ of `NNS`.**
`Globally Unique Domains Zone` (`GUDZ`) is an extension of `NNS` that ensures unique names across multiple domain zones. When this option is enabled, all newly created domains will automatically receive a corresponding alias in the designated global zone. Deleting a domain will also remove its alias from the global zone.
It's important to note that this feature is not retroactive: domains created before this option is enabled will not receive a global alias. Likewise, if the option is later disabled, domains that already have a `GUDZ` alias will retain their records. To fully disable `GUDZ`, all domains must be recreated with the option turned off.
To enable `GUDZ`, add a `cnametgt=$(global domain)` `TXT` record that specifies the global zone.
- `poland`
- `sweden`
- ``
It is necessary to associate the domain zones `.poland` and `.sweden` into the global zone `.animals`.
Create domains:
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="poland" --email=""
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="sweden" --email=""
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="org" --email=""
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="" --email=""
Add the `cnametgt` records:
frostfs-adm morph nns add-record --name="poland" --data="" --type="txt"
frostfs-adm morph nns add-record --name="sweden" --data="" --type="txt"
Create a domain with mapping to the global zone:
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="bober.poland" --email=""
Add any `TXT` record
frostfs-adm morph nns add-record --name="bober.poland" --data="CID" --type="txt"
Verify that the created domain has alias in the global zone
frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
frostfsid.frostfs (CNAME: bober.poland)
Create of a conflicting domain
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="bober.sweden" --email=""
unable to register domain: script failed (FAULT state) due to an error: at instruction 1263 (THROW): unhandled exception: "global domain is already taken: Domain: bober.poland
**Disable GUDZ**
Delete `cnametgt` records
frostfs-adm morph nns delete-records --type=txt --name=poland
Create `hamster.poland` and `hamster.sweden`
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="hamster.poland" --email=""
frostfs-adm morph nns register --name="hamster.sweden" --email=""
`hamster.poland` and `hamster.sweden` does not have alias
frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
frostfsid.frostfs (CNAME: bober.poland)
Delete global alias of `bober.poland`
frostfs-adm morph nns delete-records --name="bober.poland" --type="txt"
frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v
Delete `bober.poland`
frostfs-adm morph nns delete --name="bober.poland"
frostfs-adm morph nns tokens -v

docs/img/GUDZ.drawio Normal file
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docs/img/GUDZ.png Normal file

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nns/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
NNS - Neo Name Service is a service that allows manage a domain name as a digital asset (NFT). It has an interface similar to `DNS` but has significant differences in its internal structure.
## Entities:
- Domain
- Record
- Owner
- Committee
### Domain
Domain is string that satisfies the following requirements:
- Length from 2 to 255 characters.
- Root domain must start with a letter.
- All other fragments must start and end with a letter or digit.
Domain has owner, a registration period, and may optionally have records.
A fee established by the committee is charged upon domain registration. After registration, the owner can manage this asset (add/delete records, transfer ownership to another owner) until the end of the domain registration period.
### Record
A record is a pair of values `<type, string>`.
Supported record types:
| Type | Description |
| A | Represents address record type |
| AAA | Represents IPv6 address record type |
| TXT | Represents text record type |
| CNAME | Represents canonical name record type |
| SOA | Represents start of authority record type |
### Owner
An owner is a wallet that has the right to manage this NFT (domain).
### Committee
The committee makes new tokens (domains), sets, and charges a fee for issuance.
## Globally Unique Domain Zone
For more information, see [here](../docs/

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@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ events:
type: String type: String
- name: type - name: type
type: Integer type: Integer
- name: DeleteRecord
- name: name
type: String
- name: type
type: Integer
- name: DeleteRecords - name: DeleteRecords
parameters: parameters:
- name: name - name: name

View file

@ -527,6 +527,50 @@ func deleteRecords(ctx storage.Context, name string, typ RecordType) {
runtime.Notify("DeleteRecords", name, typ) runtime.Notify("DeleteRecords", name, typ)
} }
// DeleteRecord delete a record of the specified type by data in the provided domain.
// Returns false if the record was not found.
func DeleteRecord(name string, typ RecordType, data string) bool {
tokenID := []byte(tokenIDFromName(name))
if !checkBaseRecords(typ, data) {
panic("invalid record data")
ctx := storage.GetContext()
ns := getNameState(ctx, tokenID)
return deleteRecord(ctx, tokenID, name, typ, data)
func deleteRecord(ctx storage.Context, tokenId []byte, name string, typ RecordType, data string) bool {
recordsKey := getRecordsKeyByType(tokenId, name, typ)
var previousKey any
it := storage.Find(ctx, recordsKey, storage.KeysOnly)
for iterator.Next(it) {
key := iterator.Value(it).([]byte)
ss := storage.Get(ctx, key).([]byte)
ns := std.Deserialize(ss).(RecordState)
if ns.Name == name && ns.Type == typ && ns.Data == data {
previousKey = key
if previousKey != nil {
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
storage.Put(ctx, previousKey, data)
previousKey = key
if previousKey == nil {
return false
storage.Delete(ctx, previousKey)
runtime.Notify("DeleteRecord", name, typ)
return true
// DeleteDomain deletes the domain with the given name. // DeleteDomain deletes the domain with the given name.
func DeleteDomain(name string) { func DeleteDomain(name string) {
ctx := storage.GetContext() ctx := storage.GetContext()
@ -534,13 +578,25 @@ func DeleteDomain(name string) {
} }
func deleteDomain(ctx storage.Context, name string) { func deleteDomain(ctx storage.Context, name string) {
nameKey := append([]byte{prefixName}, getTokenKey([]byte(name))...) it := Tokens()
tldBytes := storage.Get(ctx, nameKey) for iterator.Next(it) {
if tldBytes == nil { domain := iterator.Value(it)
return if std.MemorySearch([]byte(domain.(string)), []byte(name)) > 0 {
panic("can't delete a domain that has subdomains")
} }
globalDomainRaw := storage.Get(ctx, append([]byte{prefixGlobalDomain}, getTokenKey([]byte(name))...)) nsKey := append([]byte{prefixName}, getTokenKey([]byte(name))...)
nsRaw := storage.Get(ctx, nsKey)
if nsRaw == nil {
panic("domain not found")
ns := std.Deserialize(nsRaw.([]byte)).(NameState)
globalNSKey := append([]byte{prefixGlobalDomain}, getTokenKey([]byte(name))...)
globalDomainRaw := storage.Get(ctx, globalNSKey)
globalDomain := globalDomainRaw.(string) globalDomain := globalDomainRaw.(string)
if globalDomainRaw != nil && globalDomain != "" { if globalDomainRaw != nil && globalDomain != "" {
deleteDomain(ctx, globalDomain) deleteDomain(ctx, globalDomain)
@ -550,7 +606,8 @@ func deleteDomain(ctx storage.Context, name string) {
deleteRecords(ctx, name, TXT) deleteRecords(ctx, name, TXT)
deleteRecords(ctx, name, A) deleteRecords(ctx, name, A)
deleteRecords(ctx, name, AAAA) deleteRecords(ctx, name, AAAA)
storage.Delete(ctx, nameKey) storage.Delete(ctx, nsKey)
storage.Delete(ctx, append([]byte{prefixRoot}, []byte(name)...))
runtime.Notify("DeleteDomain", name) runtime.Notify("DeleteDomain", name)
} }

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@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ type AddRecordEvent struct {
Type *big.Int Type *big.Int
} }
// DeleteRecordEvent represents "DeleteRecord" event emitted by the contract.
type DeleteRecordEvent struct {
Name string
Type *big.Int
// DeleteRecordsEvent represents "DeleteRecords" event emitted by the contract. // DeleteRecordsEvent represents "DeleteRecords" event emitted by the contract.
type DeleteRecordsEvent struct { type DeleteRecordsEvent struct {
Name string Name string
@ -168,6 +174,44 @@ func (c *Contract) DeleteDomainUnsigned(name string) (*transaction.Transaction,
return, "deleteDomain", nil, name) return, "deleteDomain", nil, name)
} }
func (c *Contract) scriptForDeleteRecord(name string, typ *big.Int, data string) ([]byte, error) {
return smartcontract.CreateCallWithAssertScript(c.hash, "deleteRecord", name, typ, data)
// DeleteRecord creates a transaction invoking `deleteRecord` method of the contract.
// This transaction is signed and immediately sent to the network.
// The values returned are its hash, ValidUntilBlock value and error if any.
func (c *Contract) DeleteRecord(name string, typ *big.Int, data string) (util.Uint256, uint32, error) {
script, err := c.scriptForDeleteRecord(name, typ, data)
if err != nil {
return util.Uint256{}, 0, err
// DeleteRecordTransaction creates a transaction invoking `deleteRecord` method of the contract.
// This transaction is signed, but not sent to the network, instead it's
// returned to the caller.
func (c *Contract) DeleteRecordTransaction(name string, typ *big.Int, data string) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
script, err := c.scriptForDeleteRecord(name, typ, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DeleteRecordUnsigned creates a transaction invoking `deleteRecord` method of the contract.
// This transaction is not signed, it's simply returned to the caller.
// Any fields of it that do not affect fees can be changed (ValidUntilBlock,
// Nonce), fee values (NetworkFee, SystemFee) can be increased as well.
func (c *Contract) DeleteRecordUnsigned(name string, typ *big.Int, data string) (*transaction.Transaction, error) {
script, err := c.scriptForDeleteRecord(name, typ, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return, nil)
// DeleteRecords creates a transaction invoking `deleteRecords` method of the contract. // DeleteRecords creates a transaction invoking `deleteRecords` method of the contract.
// This transaction is signed and immediately sent to the network. // This transaction is signed and immediately sent to the network.
// The values returned are its hash, ValidUntilBlock value and error if any. // The values returned are its hash, ValidUntilBlock value and error if any.
@ -510,6 +554,73 @@ func (e *AddRecordEvent) FromStackItem(item *stackitem.Array) error {
return nil return nil
} }
// DeleteRecordEventsFromApplicationLog retrieves a set of all emitted events
// with "DeleteRecord" name from the provided [result.ApplicationLog].
func DeleteRecordEventsFromApplicationLog(log *result.ApplicationLog) ([]*DeleteRecordEvent, error) {
if log == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil application log")
var res []*DeleteRecordEvent
for i, ex := range log.Executions {
for j, e := range ex.Events {
if e.Name != "DeleteRecord" {
event := new(DeleteRecordEvent)
err := event.FromStackItem(e.Item)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to deserialize DeleteRecordEvent from stackitem (execution #%d, event #%d): %w", i, j, err)
res = append(res, event)
return res, nil
// FromStackItem converts provided [stackitem.Array] to DeleteRecordEvent or
// returns an error if it's not possible to do to so.
func (e *DeleteRecordEvent) FromStackItem(item *stackitem.Array) error {
if item == nil {
return errors.New("nil item")
arr, ok := item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)
if !ok {
return errors.New("not an array")
if len(arr) != 2 {
return errors.New("wrong number of structure elements")
var (
index = -1
err error
e.Name, err = func(item stackitem.Item) (string, error) {
b, err := item.TryBytes()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !utf8.Valid(b) {
return "", errors.New("not a UTF-8 string")
return string(b), nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field Name: %w", err)
e.Type, err = arr[index].TryInteger()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("field Type: %w", err)
return nil
// DeleteRecordsEventsFromApplicationLog retrieves a set of all emitted events // DeleteRecordsEventsFromApplicationLog retrieves a set of all emitted events
// with "DeleteRecords" name from the provided [result.ApplicationLog]. // with "DeleteRecords" name from the provided [result.ApplicationLog].
func DeleteRecordsEventsFromApplicationLog(log *result.ApplicationLog) ([]*DeleteRecordsEvent, error) { func DeleteRecordsEventsFromApplicationLog(log *result.ApplicationLog) ([]*DeleteRecordsEvent, error) {

View file

@ -178,6 +178,47 @@ func TestNNSRegister(t *testing.T) {
c.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT)) c.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT))
cAcc.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "addRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec1")
cAcc.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "addRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec2")
cAcc.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "addRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec3")
cAcc.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "addRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec4")
cAcc.Invoke(t, false, "deleteRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec9999")
cAcc.Invoke(t, true, "deleteRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec1")
expected = stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
c.Invoke(t, expected, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT))
cAcc.Invoke(t, true, "deleteRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec4")
cAcc.Invoke(t, true, "deleteRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec2")
expected = stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{
c.Invoke(t, expected, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT))
cAcc.Invoke(t, true, "deleteRecord",
"", int64(nns.TXT), "rec3")
c.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT))
tx = cAcc.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "deleteDomain", "") tx = cAcc.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "deleteDomain", "")
expected = stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte("")), expected = stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte("")),
stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(int64(nns.CNAME)))}) stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(int64(nns.CNAME)))})
@ -189,6 +230,44 @@ func TestNNSRegister(t *testing.T) {
c.InvokeFail(t, "token not found", "getRecords", "", int64(nns.SOA)) c.InvokeFail(t, "token not found", "getRecords", "", int64(nns.SOA))
} }
func TestDeleteDomain(t *testing.T) {
c := newNNSInvoker(t, false)
acc1 := c.NewAccount(t)
c1 := c.WithSigners(c.Committee, acc1)
acc2 := c.NewAccount(t)
c2 := c.WithSigners(c.Committee, acc2)
c1.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"com", acc1.ScriptHash(),
"", defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL)
c1.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"", acc1.ScriptHash(),
"", defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL)
c1.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"", acc1.ScriptHash(),
"", defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL)
c1.InvokeFail(t, "domain not found", "deleteDomain", "ru")
c1.InvokeFail(t, "can't delete a domain that has subdomains", "deleteDomain", "")
c1.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "deleteDomain", "")
c1.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "deleteDomain", "")
c1.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"cn", acc1.ScriptHash(),
"", defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL)
c2.InvokeFail(t, "not witnessed by admin", "deleteDomain", "cn")
c1.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "deleteDomain", "cn")
c2.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"cn", acc2.ScriptHash(),
"", defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL)
func TestGlobalDomain(t *testing.T) { func TestGlobalDomain(t *testing.T) {
c := newNNSInvoker(t, false) c := newNNSInvoker(t, false)