Denis Kirillov ef0c17372f [] Add routes specification
Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <>
2022-11-10 12:43:24 +03:00

18 KiB

HTTP Gateway Specification

Route Description
/upload/{cid} Put object
/get/{cid}/{oid} Get object
/get_by_attribute/{cid}/{attr_key}/{attr_val} Search object
/zip/{cid}/{prefix} Download objects in archive

Note: cid parameter can be base58 encoded container ID or container name (the name must be registered in NNS, see appropriate section in README).

Route parameters can be:

  • Single - match a single path segment (cannot contain / and be empty)
  • Catch-All - match everything (such parameter usually the last one in routes)
  • Query - regular query parameter

Bearer token

All routes can accept bearer token from:

  • Authorization header with Bearer type and base64-encoded token in credentials field
  • Bearer cookie with base64-encoded token contents



Authorization: Bearer ChA5Gev0d8JI26tAtWyyQA3WEhsKGTVxfQ56a0uQeFmOO63mqykBS1HNpw1rxSgaBgiyEBjODyIhAyxcn89Bj5fwCfXlj5HjSYjonHSErZoXiSqeyh0ZQSb2MgQIARAB


cookie: Bearer=ChA5Gev0d8JI26tAtWyyQA3WEhsKGTVxfQ56a0uQeFmOO63mqykBS1HNpw1rxSgaBgiyEBjODyIhAyxcn89Bj5fwCfXlj5HjSYjonHSErZoXiSqeyh0ZQSb2MgQIARAB

Put object

Route: /upload/{cid}

Route parameter Type Description
cid Single Base58 encoded container ID or container name from NNS.



Upload file as object with attributes to NeoFS.

Header Description
Common headers See bearer token.
X-Attribute-Neofs-* Used to set system NeoFS object attributes
(e.g. use "X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch" to set __NEOFS__EXPIRATION_EPOCH attribute).
X-Attribute-* Used to set regular object attributes
(e.g. use "X-Attribute-My-Tag" to set My-Tag attribute).
Date This header is used to calculate the right __NEOFS__EXPIRATION attribute for object. If the header is missing, the current server time is used.

There are some reserved headers type of X-Attribute-NEOFS-* (headers are arranged in descending order of priority):

  1. X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch: 100
  2. X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Duration: 24h30m
  3. X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Timestamp: 1637574797
  4. X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-RFC3339: 2021-11-22T09:55:49Z

which transforms to X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch. So you can provide expiration any convenient way.

If you don't specify the X-Attribute-Timestamp header the Timestamp attribute can be set anyway (see http-gw configuration).

The X-Attribute-* headers must be unique. If you provide several the same headers only one will be used. Attribute key and value must be valid utf8 string. All attributes in sum must not be greater than 3mb.


Body must contain multipart form with file. The filename field from the multipart form will be set as FileName attribute of object (can be overriden by X-Attribute-FileName header).

Status codes
Status Description
200 Object created successfully.
400 Some error occurred during object uploading.

Get object

Route: /get/{cid}/{oid}?[download=true]

Route parameter Type Description
cid Single Base58 encoded container ID or container name from NNS.
oid Single Base58 encoded object ID.
download Query Set the Content-Disposition header as attachment in response.
This make the browser to download object as file instead of showing it on the page.



Get an object (payload and attributes) by an address.

Header Description
Common headers See bearer token.
Header Description
X-Attribute-Neofs-* System NeoFS object attributes
(e.g. __NEOFS__EXPIRATION_EPOCH set "X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch" header).
X-Attribute-* Regular object attributes
(e.g. My-Tag set "X-Attribute-My-Tag" header).
Content-Disposition Indicate how to browsers should treat file.
Set filename as base part of FileName object attribute (if it's set, empty otherwise).
Content-Type Indicate content type of object. Set from Content-Type attribute or detected using payload.
Content-Length Size of object payload.
Last-Modified Contains the Timestamp attribute (if exists) formatted as HTTP time (RFC7231,RFC1123).
X-Owner-Id Base58 encoded owner ID.
X-Container-Id Base58 encoded container ID.
X-Object-Id Base58 encoded object ID.
Status codes
Status Description
200 Object got successfully.
400 Some error occurred during object downloading.
404 Container or object not found.


Get an object attributes by an address.

Header Description
Common headers See bearer token.
Header Description
X-Attribute-Neofs-* System NeoFS object attributes
(e.g. __NEOFS__EXPIRATION_EPOCH set "X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch" header).
X-Attribute-* Regular object attributes
(e.g. My-Tag set "X-Attribute-My-Tag" header).
Content-Type Indicate content type of object. Set from Content-Type attribute or detected using payload.
Content-Length Size of object payload.
Last-Modified Contains the Timestamp attribute (if exists) formatted as HTTP time (RFC7231,RFC1123).
X-Owner-Id Base58 encoded owner ID.
X-Container-Id Base58 encoded container ID.
X-Object-Id Base58 encoded object ID.
Status codes
Status Description
200 Object head successfully.
400 Some error occurred during object HEAD operation.
404 Container or object not found.

Search object

Route: /get_by_attribute/{cid}/{attr_key}/{attr_val}?[download=true]

Route parameter Type Description
cid Single Base58 encoded container ID or container name from NNS.
attr_key Single Object attribute key to search.
attr_val Catch-All Object attribute value to match.
download Query Set the Content-Disposition header as attachment in response. This make the browser to download object as file instead of showing it on the page.



Find and get an object (payload and attributes) by a specific attribute. If more than one object is found, an arbitrary one will be returned.

Header Description
Common headers See bearer token.
Header Description
X-Attribute-Neofs-* System NeoFS object attributes
(e.g. __NEOFS__EXPIRATION_EPOCH set "X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch" header).
X-Attribute-* Regular object attributes
(e.g. My-Tag set "X-Attribute-My-Tag" header).
Content-Disposition Indicate how to browsers should treat file.
Set filename as base part of FileName object attribute (if it's set, empty otherwise).
Content-Type Indicate content type of object. Set from Content-Type attribute or detected using payload.
Content-Length Size of object payload.
Last-Modified Contains the Timestamp attribute (if exists) formatted as HTTP time (RFC7231,RFC1123).
X-Owner-Id Base58 encoded owner ID.
X-Container-Id Base58 encoded container ID.
X-Object-Id Base58 encoded object ID.
Status codes
Status Description
200 Object got successfully.
400 Some error occurred during object downloading.
404 Container or object not found.


Get object attributes by a specific attribute. If more than one object is found, an arbitrary one will be used to get attributes.

Header Description
Common headers See bearer token.
Header Description
X-Attribute-Neofs-* System NeoFS object attributes
(e.g. __NEOFS__EXPIRATION_EPOCH set "X-Attribute-Neofs-Expiration-Epoch" header).
X-Attribute-* Regular object attributes
(e.g. My-Tag set "X-Attribute-My-Tag" header).
Content-Type Indicate content type of object. Set from Content-Type attribute or detected using payload.
Content-Length Size of object payload.
Last-Modified Contains the Timestamp attribute (if exists) formatted as HTTP time (RFC7231,RFC1123).
X-Owner-Id Base58 encoded owner ID.
X-Container-Id Base58 encoded container ID.
X-Object-Id Base58 encoded object ID.
Status codes
Status Description
200 Object head successfully.
400 Some error occurred during operation.
404 Container or object not found.

Download zip

Route: /zip/{cid}/{prefix}

Route parameter Type Description
cid Single Base58 encoded container ID or container name from NNS.
prefix Catch-All Prefix for object attribute FilePath to match.



Find objects by prefix for FilePath attributes. Return found objects in zip archive. Name of files in archive sets to FilePath attribute of objects. Time of files sets to time when object has started downloading. You can download all files in container that have FilePath attribute by /zip/{cid}/ route.

Archive can be compressed (see http-gw configuration).

Header Description
Common headers See bearer token.
Header Description
Content-Disposition Indicate how to browsers should treat file (attachment). Set filename as
Content-Type Indicate content type of object. Set to application/zip
Status codes
Status Description
200 Object got successfully.
400 Some error occurred during object downloading.
404 Container or objects not found.
500 Some inner error (e.g. error on streaming objects).