* Introduce `unlocode-CodeList_overrides.csv` that contains missing details for locodes from the main `unlocode-CodeList.csv` file; * Fix `Makefile`; * Add info to `README.md`. Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin <a.arifullin@yadro.com>
134 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file
134 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/make -f
VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags --match "v*" --dirty --always --abbrev=8 2>/dev/null || cat VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo "develop")"
FROST_LOCODE = ./frostfs-locode-db
.PHONY: all clean version help update debpackage
DIRS = in tmp
space := $(subst ,, )
# .deb package versioning
OS_RELEASE = $(shell lsb_release -cs)
PKG_VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed "s/^v//" | \
sed -E "s/(.*)-(g[a-fA-F0-9]{6,8})(.*)/\1\3~\2/" | \
sed "s/-/~/")-${OS_RELEASE}
# Generate locode_db BoltDB file
all: $(DIRS) $(FROST_LOCODE) locode_db
go build .
@echo "⇒ Ensure dir: $@"
@mkdir -p $@
in/airports.dat: $(DIRS)
zcat data/airports.dat.gz > in/airports.dat
in/countries.dat: $(DIRS)
zcat data/countries.dat.gz > in/countries.dat
in/continents.geojson: $(DIRS)
zcat data/continents.geojson.gz > in/continents.geojson
in/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv: $(DIRS)
zcat data/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv.gz > in/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv
in/unlocode-CodeList.csv: $(DIRS)
zcat data/unlocode-CodeList.csv.gz > in/unlocode-CodeList.csv
in/unlocode-CodeList_overrides.csv: $(DIRS)
cp data/unlocode-CodeList_overrides.csv in/unlocode-CodeList_overrides.csv
# Generate locode_db BoltDB file
locode_db: in/unlocode-CodeList.csv in/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv in/continents.geojson in/airports.dat in/countries.dat in/unlocode-CodeList_overrides.csv $(FROST_LOCODE)
$(FROST_LOCODE) generate \
--airports in/airports.dat \
--continents in/continents.geojson \
--countries in/countries.dat \
--in in/unlocode-CodeList.csv \
--subdiv in/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv \
--out locode_db
chmod 644 locode_db
# Openflights doesn't have tags or releases, so update would always take latest master version.
# See https://github.com/jpatokal/openflights
data/airports.dat.gz: $(DIRS)
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpatokal/openflights/master/data/airports.dat -O tmp/airports.dat && \
gzip -c tmp/airports.dat > data/airports.dat.gz
data/countries.dat.gz: $(DIRS)
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpatokal/openflights/master/data/countries.dat -O tmp/countries.dat && \
gzip -c tmp/countries.dat > data/countries.dat.gz
# See https://unece.org/trade/cefact/UNLOCODE-Download
tmp/locode.csv.zip :$(DIRS)
DOWNLOADURL=$$(wget -O - https://unece.org/trade/cefact/UNLOCODE-Download \
| grep -oP '(?<=href=")\S+loc\d+csv\.zip'); \
echo "$$DOWNLOADURL" | grep -oP '(?<=loc)\d+' > tmp/locode-version.txt; \
wget -c "$$DOWNLOADURL" -O tmp/locode.csv.zip
data/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv.gz: tmp/locode.csv.zip
unzip -p tmp/locode.csv.zip "*SubdivisionCodes.csv" | gzip > data/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv.gz
data/unlocode-CodeList.csv.gz: tmp/locode.csv.zip
unzip -p tmp/locode.csv.zip "*CodeListPart*" | gzip > data/unlocode-CodeList.csv.gz
# Download and repack external data-sources
update: data/unlocode-CodeList.csv.gz data/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv.gz data/countries.dat.gz data/airports.dat.gz
# Print version
@echo $(VERSION)
# Show this help prompt
@echo ' Usage:'
@echo ''
@echo ' make <target>'
@echo ''
@echo ' Targets:'
@echo ''
@awk '/^#/{ comment = substr($$0,3) } comment && /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ ?:/{ print " ", $$1, comment }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -t -s ':' | grep -v 'IGNORE' | sort -u
# Run tests
test: locode_db
test -n "$$($(FROST_LOCODE) info --db locode_db --locode "US NYC" 2>&1 | grep "New York")"
test -n "$$($(FROST_LOCODE) info --db locode_db --locode "RU LED" 2>&1 | grep "Leningrad")"
test -n "$$($(FROST_LOCODE) info --db locode_db --locode "RU KUF" 2>&1 | grep "Samara")"
test -n "$$($(FROST_LOCODE) info --db locode_db --locode "VN DAN" 2>&1 | grep "Binh Hoa")"
test -n "$$($(FROST_LOCODE) info --db locode_db --locode "FR PAR" 2>&1 | grep "Paris")"
# Clean data directory before update
rm -f data/unlocode-CodeList.csv.gz
rm -f data/unlocode-SubdivisionCodes.csv.gz
rm -f data/countries.dat.gz
rm -f data/airports.dat.gz
# Clean up
rm -f in/*
rm -f tmp/*
rm -f locode_db
# Package for Debian
dch --package frostfs-locode-db \
--controlmaint \
--newversion $(PKG_VERSION) \
--force-bad-version \
--distribution $(OS_RELEASE) \
"Please see CHANGELOG.md for code changes for $(VERSION)"
dpkg-buildpackage --no-sign -b
# Clean up debian packaging leftovers
dh clean