[#18] Add badgerstore substorage implementation #556

ale64bit wants to merge 1 commits from ale64bit/frostfs-node:feature/flat-blobstore-test into master

Signed-off-by: Alejandro Lopez a.lopez@yadro.com

Signed-off-by: Alejandro Lopez <a.lopez@yadro.com>
ale64bit added the
label 2023-08-02 08:36:09 +00:00
ale64bit requested review from storage-core-committers 2023-08-02 08:41:45 +00:00
ale64bit requested review from storage-core-developers 2023-08-02 08:41:45 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro reviewed 2023-08-02 15:38:39 +00:00
@ -0,0 +132,4 @@
addrKey := addressKey(req.Address)
err := s.db.Update(func(tx *badger.Txn) error {
if _, err := tx.Get(addrKey[:]); err != nil {

Please explain why Get first and only then Delete?

Please explain why Get first and only then Delete?

Our Delete must return apistatus.ObjectNotFound. But badger doesn't return badger.ErrKeyNotFound when deleting, so I call Get first to check that.

Our `Delete` must return `apistatus.ObjectNotFound`. But badger doesn't return `badger.ErrKeyNotFound` when deleting, so I call `Get` first to check that.
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2023-08-02 15:41:30 +00:00
aarifullin approved these changes 2023-08-14 15:16:14 +00:00
ale64bit force-pushed feature/flat-blobstore-test from 8600e65f59 to 440cf85d62 2023-09-01 07:35:54 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik closed this pull request 2024-03-29 20:46:59 +00:00
All checks were successful
DCO action / DCO (pull_request) Successful in 2m8s
Vulncheck / Vulncheck (pull_request) Successful in 3m59s
Build / Build Components (1.21) (pull_request) Successful in 4m48s
Build / Build Components (1.20) (pull_request) Successful in 4m56s
Tests and linters / Staticcheck (pull_request) Successful in 5m50s
Tests and linters / Tests (1.20) (pull_request) Successful in 7m20s
Tests and linters / Lint (pull_request) Successful in 7m29s
Tests and linters / Tests (1.21) (pull_request) Successful in 7m37s
Tests and linters / Tests with -race (pull_request) Successful in 9m48s

Pull request closed

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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#556
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