Pass container owner for backward get method APE-check #1218

fyrchik merged 3 commits from aarifullin/frostfs-node:fix/bt_get into master 2024-07-03 07:22:19 +00:00
  • object: Pass container owner for backward get method check
    ** getStreamBasicChecker must define containerOwner for backward checks, otherwise bearer token cannot be validated for the token issuer.

  • object: Fix bearer token validation

  • tree: Fix bearer token validation

* object: Pass container owner for backward get method check ** `getStreamBasicChecker` must define `containerOwner` for backward checks, otherwise bearer token cannot be validated for the token issuer. * object: Fix bearer token validation * tree: Fix bearer token validation
aarifullin added the
label 2024-07-02 10:13:28 +00:00
aarifullin force-pushed fix/bt_get from 8f84f85d90 to 556875dcdd 2024-07-02 10:14:37 +00:00 Compare
requested reviews from storage-core-committers, storage-core-developers 2024-07-02 10:21:16 +00:00
fyrchik reviewed 2024-07-02 11:21:51 +00:00
@ -123,3 +124,3 @@
// 4. Then check if container owner signed this token.
// 5. Then check if container owner signed this token.

Let's remove number all together? The changes on multiple unrelated lines blow up the diff.

Let's remove number all together? The changes on multiple unrelated lines blow up the diff.

Let's remove number all together? The changes on multiple unrelated lines blow up the diff.

Let's remove number all together? The changes on multiple unrelated lines blow up the diff.


acid-ant approved these changes 2024-07-02 11:22:09 +00:00
aarifullin force-pushed fix/bt_get from 556875dcdd to b02370a789 2024-07-02 11:40:47 +00:00 Compare
requested review from acid-ant 2024-07-02 12:29:10 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2024-07-02 15:56:49 +00:00
fyrchik approved these changes 2024-07-03 05:34:53 +00:00
fyrchik merged commit 4bd4667791 into master 2024-07-03 07:22:19 +00:00
acid-ant approved these changes 2024-07-03 07:28:46 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1218
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