container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role #1454

fyrchik merged 1 commit from a-savchuk/frostfs-node:container-get-on-first-epoch into master 2024-10-30 10:41:29 +00:00

Close #1448

When getting a role in the APE checker for the container services, an error may be returned if network maps of the previous two epochs don't have enough nodes to fulfil a container placement policy. It's a logical error, so we should ignore it.

The affected function isContainerNode is used for determining if an actor is a container role when checking an APE rule. It's guaranteed that the policy of a container is valid because that container has been with that policy before. So, the only error could be returned if the map doesn't have enough nodes. It's a logical error, we should ignore it because it doesn't affect an actor role determining.


~/repos/frostfs/dev-env$ ./frostfs-cli -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 container get \
    -g --cid G1B2X97U5w6iLbjazJUNgkaA4WQ9LDvDnw1vyS3QyfKv
rpc error: status: code = 1024 message = not enough nodes to SELECT from


~/repos/frostfs/dev-env$ ./frostfs-cli -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 container get \
    -g --cid 9HnHVeeNDMz8Zbphio4APTKQnVf7Xbremw1x8BaCE6NB
CID: 9HnHVeeNDMz8Zbphio4APTKQnVf7Xbremw1x8BaCE6NB
owner ID: NbUgTSFvPmsRxmGeWpuuGeJUoRoi6PErcM
basic ACL: 1c8c8ccc (private)
       RangeHASH    Range      Search     Delete     Put        Head       Get
0 1    1 1 0 0      1 0 0 0    1 1 0 0    1 0 0 0    1 1 0 0    1 1 0 0    1 1 0 0
X F    U S O B      U S O B    U S O B    U S O B    U S O B    U S O B    U S O B
  X-Sticky F-Final U-User S-System O-Others B-Bearer
created: 2024-10-29 17:35:23 +0300 MSK
placement policy:
Close #1448 When getting a role in the APE checker for the container services, an error may be returned if network maps of the previous two epochs don't have enough nodes to fulfil a container placement policy. It's a logical error, so we should ignore it. The affected function `isContainerNode` is used for determining if an actor is a container role when checking an APE rule. It's guaranteed that the policy of a container is valid because that container has been with that policy before. So, the only error could be returned if the map doesn't have enough nodes. It's a logical error, we should ignore it because it doesn't affect an actor role determining. Before: ``` ~/repos/frostfs/dev-env$ ./frostfs-cli -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 container get \ -g --cid G1B2X97U5w6iLbjazJUNgkaA4WQ9LDvDnw1vyS3QyfKv rpc error: status: code = 1024 message = not enough nodes to SELECT from ``` After: ``` ~/repos/frostfs/dev-env$ ./frostfs-cli -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 container get \ -g --cid 9HnHVeeNDMz8Zbphio4APTKQnVf7Xbremw1x8BaCE6NB CID: 9HnHVeeNDMz8Zbphio4APTKQnVf7Xbremw1x8BaCE6NB owner ID: NbUgTSFvPmsRxmGeWpuuGeJUoRoi6PErcM basic ACL: 1c8c8ccc (private) RangeHASH Range Search Delete Put Head Get 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 X F U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B X-Sticky F-Final U-User S-System O-Others B-Bearer created: 2024-10-29 17:35:23 +0300 MSK attributes: Timestamp=1730212523 placement policy: REP 1 CBF 1 ```
a-savchuk changed title from WIP: services/container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role to WIP: container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role 2024-10-29 13:13:44 +00:00
a-savchuk force-pushed container-get-on-first-epoch from 96b5b6a28b to 2fa82acd1c 2024-10-29 13:13:48 +00:00 Compare
a-savchuk force-pushed container-get-on-first-epoch from 2fa82acd1c to e70c2cedbe 2024-10-29 14:36:02 +00:00 Compare
a-savchuk changed title from WIP: container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role to container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role 2024-10-29 14:41:45 +00:00
requested reviews from storage-core-developers, storage-core-committers 2024-10-29 14:41:59 +00:00
fyrchik approved these changes 2024-10-29 14:56:39 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro reviewed 2024-10-29 15:18:32 +00:00
@ -562,0 +554,4 @@
// don't have enough nodes to fulfil a container placement policy.
// It's a logical error, so we should ignore it.
// See
cnrVectors, _ := nm.ContainerNodes(cont.Value.PlacementPolicy(), binCnrID)

Why is any error ignored, but not only specific one?

Why is any error ignored, but not only specific one?

Made the PR description more detailed:

The affected function isContainerNode is used for determining if an actor is a container role when checking an APE rule. It's guaranteed that the policy of a container is valid because that container has been with that policy before. So, the only error could be returned if the map doesn't have enough nodes. It's a logical error, we should ignore it because it doesn't affect an actor role determining.

Moreover, that error is not a part of the SDK interface, so if I ignore only that error, it'll look like this

if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not enough nodes to SELECT from") {
    return false, err
Made the PR description more detailed: > The affected function `isContainerNode` is used for determining if an actor is a container role when checking an APE rule. It's guaranteed that the policy of a container is valid because that container has been with that policy before. So, the only error could be returned if the map doesn't have enough nodes. It's a logical error, we should ignore it because it doesn't affect an actor role determining. Moreover, that error is not a part of the SDK interface, so if I ignore only that error, it'll look like this ```go if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not enough nodes to SELECT from") { return false, err } ```
dstepanov-yadro marked this conversation as resolved
acid-ant reviewed 2024-10-29 15:31:14 +00:00
@ -562,0 +553,4 @@
// An error may be returned if network maps of the previous two epochs
// don't have enough nodes to fulfil a container placement policy.
// It's a logical error, so we should ignore it.
// See

Link to the issue looks redundant here, it will be in the commit message.

Link to the issue looks redundant here, it will be in the commit message.

Yeah, removed it

Yeah, removed it✅
a-savchuk changed title from container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role to WIP: container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role 2024-10-30 09:43:58 +00:00
a-savchuk dismissed fyrchik's review 2024-10-30 09:48:47 +00:00

New commits pushed, approval review dismissed automatically according to repository settings

a-savchuk force-pushed container-get-on-first-epoch from 6daa1fda7f to d28a5d2d7a 2024-10-30 09:52:13 +00:00 Compare
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2024-10-30 09:53:12 +00:00
a-savchuk changed title from WIP: container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role to container/ape: Ignore an error when getting a role 2024-10-30 09:54:12 +00:00
fyrchik merged commit d28a5d2d7a into master 2024-10-30 10:41:29 +00:00
a-savchuk deleted branch container-get-on-first-epoch 2024-10-30 11:10:57 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1454
No description provided.