[SUPPORT] go.mod: Update sdk-go #1542

fyrchik merged 1 commit from fyrchik/frostfs-node:metabase-update into support/v0.42 2024-12-06 08:43:51 +00:00

Testing done:

$ frostfs-cli container create --policy 'REP 1 IN S CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM F AS S FILTER Missing EQ 1 AS F' -w ../dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --rpc-endpoint s01.frostfs.devenv:8080
Enter password >
the number of nodes '0' in selector is not enough for the number of replicas '1', use --force option to skip this check

$ frostfs-cli container create --policy 'REP 1 IN S CBF 1 S/r/f/node metabase-update• 1.5s | 1 ❱ frostfs-cli container create --policy 'REP 1 IN S CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM F AS S FILTER Missing EQ 1 AS F' -w ../dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --rpc-endpoint s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --force
Enter password >
CID: FG57BDrjSrSaHkxtStTvcNfk8vz47zm46wFciCrvfvo3

$ frostfs-cli container get --cid FG57BDrjSrSaHkxtStTvcNfk8vz47zm46wFciCrvfvo3 -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 -g
CID: FG57BDrjSrSaHkxtStTvcNfk8vz47zm46wFciCrvfvo3
owner ID: NbUgTSFvPmsRxmGeWpuuGeJUoRoi6PErcM
basic ACL: 1c8c8ccc (private)
       RangeHASH    Range      Search     Delete     Put        Head       Get
0 1    1 1 0 0      1 0 0 0    1 1 0 0    1 0 0 0    1 1 0 0    1 1 0 0    1 1 0 0
X F    U S O B      U S O B    U S O B    U S O B    U S O B    U S O B    U S O B
  X-Sticky F-Final U-User S-System O-Others B-Bearer
created: 2024-12-06 11:06:00 +0300 MSK
placement policy:
FILTER Missing EQ 1 AS F
Testing done: ``` $ frostfs-cli container create --policy 'REP 1 IN S CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM F AS S FILTER Missing EQ 1 AS F' -w ../dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --rpc-endpoint s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 Enter password > the number of nodes '0' in selector is not enough for the number of replicas '1', use --force option to skip this check $ frostfs-cli container create --policy 'REP 1 IN S CBF 1 S/r/f/node metabase-update• 1.5s | 1 ❱ frostfs-cli container create --policy 'REP 1 IN S CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM F AS S FILTER Missing EQ 1 AS F' -w ../dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --rpc-endpoint s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --force Enter password > CID: FG57BDrjSrSaHkxtStTvcNfk8vz47zm46wFciCrvfvo3 $ frostfs-cli container get --cid FG57BDrjSrSaHkxtStTvcNfk8vz47zm46wFciCrvfvo3 -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 -g CID: FG57BDrjSrSaHkxtStTvcNfk8vz47zm46wFciCrvfvo3 owner ID: NbUgTSFvPmsRxmGeWpuuGeJUoRoi6PErcM basic ACL: 1c8c8ccc (private) RangeHASH Range Search Delete Put Head Get 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 X F U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B U S O B X-Sticky F-Final U-User S-System O-Others B-Bearer created: 2024-12-06 11:06:00 +0300 MSK attributes: Timestamp=1733472360 placement policy: REP 1 IN S CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM F AS S FILTER Missing EQ 1 AS F ```
fyrchik force-pushed metabase-update from 5c01672eab to 8308df616d 2024-12-06 07:47:00 +00:00 Compare
requested review from storage-core-committers 2024-12-06 07:53:27 +00:00
requested review from storage-core-developers 2024-12-06 07:54:58 +00:00
acid-ant approved these changes 2024-12-06 07:55:04 +00:00
fyrchik force-pushed metabase-update from 8308df616d to 0a15f96bf4 2024-12-06 08:10:50 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik force-pushed metabase-update from 0a15f96bf4 to 54114d150c 2024-12-06 08:13:11 +00:00 Compare
acid-ant approved these changes 2024-12-06 08:14:23 +00:00
fyrchik force-pushed metabase-update from 54114d150c to ce55e1579b 2024-12-06 08:20:27 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik merged commit ce55e1579b into support/v0.42 2024-12-06 08:43:51 +00:00
fyrchik referenced this pull request from a commit 2024-12-06 08:43:53 +00:00
fyrchik deleted branch metabase-update 2024-12-06 08:43:53 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1542
No description provided.