Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <evgeniy@nspcc.ru>
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413 lines
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# NeoFS Storage node configuration file
This section contains detailed NeoFS Storage node configuration file description
including default config values and some tips to set up configurable values.
There are some custom types used for brevity:
1. `duration` -- string consisting of a number and a suffix. Suffix examples include `s` (seconds), `m` (minutes), `ms` (milliseconds).
2. `size` -- string consisting of a number and a suffix. Suffix examples include `b` (bytes, default), `k` (kibibytes), `m` (mebibytes), `g` (gibibytes).
3. `file mode` -- octal number. Usually, it starts with `0` and contain 3 digits, corresponding to file access permissions for user, group and others.
4. `public key` -- hex-encoded public key
5. `hash160` -- hex-encoded 20-byte hash of a deployed contract.
# Structure
| Section | Description |
| `logger` | [Logging parameters](#logger-section) |
| `pprof` | [PProf configuration](#pprof-section) |
| `prometheus` | [Prometheus metrics configuration](#prometheus-section) |
| `control` | [Control service configuration](#control-section) |
| `contracts` | [Override NeoFS contracts hashes](#contracts-section) |
| `morph` | [N3 blockchain client configuration](#morph-section) |
| `apiclient` | [NeoFS API client configuration](#apiclient-section) |
| `policer` | [Policer service configuration](#policer-section) |
| `replicator` | [Replicator service configuration](#replicator-section) |
| `storage` | [Storage engine configuration](#storage-section) |
# `control` section
- 035839e45d472a3b7769a2a1bd7d54c4ccd4943c3b40f547870e83a8fcbfb3ce11
- 028f42cfcb74499d7b15b35d9bff260a1c8d27de4f446a627406a382d8961486d6
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `authorized_keys` | `[]public key` | empty | List of public keys which are used to authorize requests to the control service. |
| `grpc.endpoint` | `string` | empty | Address that control service listener binds to. |
# `grpc` section
- endpoint: localhost:8080
enabled: true
certificate: /path/to/cert.pem
key: /path/to/key.pem
- endpoint: internal.ip:8080
- endpoint: external.ip:8080
enabled: true
use_insecure_crypto: true
Contains an array of gRPC endpoint configurations. The following table describes the format of each
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `endpoint` | `[]string` | empty | Address that service listener binds to. |
| `tls` | [TLS config](#tls-subsection) | | Address that control service listener binds to. |
## `tls` subsection
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `enabled` | `bool` | `false` | Address that control service listener binds to. |
| `certificate` | `string` | | Path to the TLS certificate. |
| `key` | `string` | | Path to the key. |
| `use_insecure_crypto` | `bool` | `false` | If true, ciphers considered insecure by Go stdlib are allowed to be used. |
# `pprof` section
Contains configuration for the `pprof` profiler.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `enabled` | `bool` | `false` | Flag to enable the service. |
| `address` | `string` | | Address that service listener binds to. |
| `shutdown_timeout` | `duration` | `30s` | Time to wait for a graceful shutdown. |
# `prometheus` section
Contains configuration for the `prometheus` metrics service.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `enabled` | `bool` | `false` | Flag to enable the service. |
| `address` | `string` | | Address that service listener binds to. |
| `shutdown_timeout` | `duration` | `30s` | Time to wait for a graceful shutdown. |
# `logger` section
Contains logger parameters.
level: info
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `level` | `string` | `info` | Logging level.<br/>Possible values: `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`, `dpanic`, `panic`, `fatal` |
# `contracts` section
Contains override values for NeoFS side-chain contract hashes. Most of the time contract
hashes are fetched from the NNS contract, so this section can be omitted.
balance: 5263abba1abedbf79bb57f3e40b50b4425d2d6cd
container: 5d084790d7aa36cea7b53fe897380dab11d2cd3c
netmap: 0cce9e948dca43a6b592efe59ddb4ecb89bdd9ca
reputation: 441995f631c1da2b133462b71859494a5cd45e90
proxy: ad7c6b55b737b696e5c82c85445040964a03e97f
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `audit` | `hash160` | | Audit contract hash. |
| `balance` | `hash160` | | Balance contract hash. |
| `container` | `hash160` | | Container contract hash. |
| `netmap` | `hash160` | | Netmap contract hash. |
| `reputation` | `hash160` | | Reputation contract hash. |
| `subnet` | `hash160` | | Subnet contract hash. |
# `morph` section
dial_timeout: 30s
disable_cache: true
- address: wss://rpc1.morph.fs.neo.org:40341/ws
priority: 2
- address: wss://rpc2.morph.fs.neo.org:40341/ws
priority: 1
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `dial_timeout` | `duration` | `5s` | Timeout for dialing connections to N3 RPCs. |
| `disable_cache` | `bool` | `false` | Flag to disable TTL cache for some side-chain operations.<br/>NOTE: Setting this to `true` can slow down the node considerably. |
| `rpc_endpoint` | list of [endpoint descriptions](#rpc_endpoint-subsection) | | Array of endpoint descriptions. |
## `rpc_endpoint` subsection
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `address` | `string` | | _WebSocket_ N3 endpoint. |
| `priority` | `int` | `0` | Priority of an endpoint. Endpoint with a higher priority has more chance of being used. Endpoints with equal priority are iterated over randomly. |
# `storage` section
Local storage engine configuration.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `shard_pool_size` | `int` | `20` | Pool size for shard workers. Limits the amount of concurrent `PUT` operations on each shard. |
| `shard_ro_error_threshold` | `int` | `0` | Maximum amount of storage errors to encounter before shard automatically moves to `Degraded` or `ReadOnly` mode. |
| `shard` | [Shard config](#shard-subsection) | | Configuration for separate shards. |
## `shard` subsection
Contains configuration for each shard. Keys must be consecutive numbers starting from zero.
`default` subsection has the same format and specifies defaults for missing values.
The following table describes configuration for each shard.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `resync_metabase` | `bool` | `false` | Flag to enable metabase resync on start. |
| `writecache` | [Writecache config](#writecache-subsection) | | Write-cache configuration. |
| `metabase` | [Metabase config](#metabase-subsection) | | Metabase configuration. |
| `blobstor` | [Blobstor config](#blobstor-subsection) | | Blobstor configuration. |
| `gc` | [GC config](#gc-subsection) | | GC configuration. |
### `blobstor` subsection
path: /path/to/blobstor
perm: 0644
compress: true
- audio/*
- video/*
depth: 5
small_object_size: 102400
size: 4194304
depth: 1
width: 4
opened_cache_capacity: 50
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | | Path to the root of the blobstor. |
| `perm` | file mode | `0660` | Default permission for created files and directories. |
| `compress` | `bool` | `false` | Flag to enable compression. |
| `compression_exclude_content_types` | `[]string` | | List of content-types to disable compression for. Content-type is taken from `Content-Type` object attribute. Each element can contain a star `*` as a first (last) character, which matches any prefix (suffix). |
| `depth` | `int` | `4` | Depth of the file-system tree for large objects. Must be in range 1..31. |
| `small_object_size` | `size` | `1M` | Maximum size of an object stored in blobovnicza tree. |
| `blobovnicza` | [Blobovnicza config](#blobovnicza-subsection) | | Blobovnicza tree configuration. |
#### `blobovnicza` subsection
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | | Path to the root of the blobovnicza tree. |
| `size` | `size` | `1 G` | Maximum size of a single blobovnicza |
| `depth` | `int` | `2` | Blobovnicza tree depth. |
| `width` | `int` | `16` | Blobovnicza tree width. |
| `opened_cache_capacity` | `int` | `16` | Maximum number of simultaneously opened blobovniczas. |
### `gc` subsection
Contains garbage-collection service configuration. It iterates over the blobstor and removes object the node no longer needs.
remover_batch_size: 200
remover_sleep_interval: 5m
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `remover_batch_size` | `int` | `100` | Amount of objects to grab in a single batch. |
| `remover_sleep_interval` | `duration` | `1m` | Time to sleep between iterations. |
### `metabase` subsection
path: /path/to/meta.db
perm: 0644
max_batch_size: 200
max_batch_delay: 20ms
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | | Path to the metabase file. |
| `perm` | file mode | `0660` | Permissions to set for the database file. |
| `max_batch_size` | `int` | `1000` | Maximum amount of write operations to perform in a single transaction. |
| `max_batch_delay` | `duration` | `10ms` | Maximum delay before a batch starts. |
### `writecache` subsection
enabled: true
path: /path/to/writecache
capacity: 4294967296
memcache_capacity: 2147483648
small_object_size: 16384
max_object_size: 134217728
workers_number: 30
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | | Path to the metabase file. |
| `capacity` | `size` | unrestricted | Approximate maximum size of the writecache. If the writecache is full, objects are written to the blobstor directly. |
| `memcache_capacity` | `size` | `1G` | Maximum size of the memory-cache. |
| `small_object_size` | `size` | `32K` | Maximum object size for "small" objects. This objects are stored in a key-value database instead of a file-system. |
| `max_object_size` | `size` | `64M` | Maximum object size allowed to be stored in the writecache. |
| `workers_number` | `int` | `20` | Amount of background workers that move data from the writecache to the blobstor. |
| `max_batch_size` | `int` | `1000` | Maximum amount of small object `PUT` operations to perform in a single transaction. |
| `max_batch_delay` | `duration` | `10ms` | Maximum delay before a batch starts. |
# `node` section
path: /path/to/wallet.json
address: NcpJzXcSDrh5CCizf4K9Ro6w4t59J5LKzz
password: password
- grpc://external.ip:8082
- "Price:11"
- "key:value"
relay: false
path: /sessions
path: /state
exit_zero: false
- 123
enabled: true
endpoint: tls://localhost:4222
timeout: 6s
default_topic: topic
certificate: /path/to/cert.pem
key: /path/to/key.pem
ca: /path/to/ca.pem
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `key` | `string` | | Path to the binary-encoded private key. |
| `wallet` | [Wallet config](#wallet-subsection) | | Wallet configuration. Has no effect if `key` is provided. |
| `addresses` | `[]string` | | Addresses advertised in the netmap. |
| `attribute` | `[]string` | | Node attributes as a list of key-value pairs in `<key>:<value>` format. |
| `relay` | `bool` | | Enable relay mode. |
| `persistent_sessions` | [Persistent sessions config](#persistent_sessions-subsection) | | Persistent session token store configuration. |
| `persistent_state` | [Persistent state config](#persistent_state-subsection) | | Persistent state configuration. |
| `subnet` | [Subnet config](#subnet-subsection) | | Subnet configuration. |
| `notification` | [Notification config](#notification-subsection) | | NATS configuration. |
## `wallet` subsection
N3 wallet configuration.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | | Path to the wallet file. |
| `address` | `string` | | Wallet address to use. |
| `password` | `string` | | Password to open the wallet. |
## `persistent_sessions` subsection
Contains persistent session token store configuration. By default sessions do not persist between restarts.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | | Path to the database. |
## `persistent_state` subsection
Configures persistent storage for auxiliary information, such as last seen block height.
It is used to correctly handle node restarts or crashes.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `path` | `string` | `.neofs-storage-state` | Path to the database. |
## `subnet` subsection
This is an advanced section, use with caution.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `exit_zero` | `bool` | `false` | Exit from the default subnet. |
| `entries` | `[]uint32` | | List of non-default subnet ID this node belongs to. |
## `notification` subsection
This is an advanced section, use with caution.
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `enabled` | `bool` | `false` | Flag to enable the service. |
| `endpoint` | `string` | | NATS endpoint to connect to. |
| `timeout` | `duration` | `5s` | Timeout for the object notification operation. |
| `default_topic` | `string` | node's public key | Default topic to use if an object has no corresponding attribute. |
| `certificate` | `string` | | Path to the client certificate. |
| `key` | `string` | | Path to the client key. |
| `ca` | `string` | | Override root CA used to verify server certificates. |
# `apiclient` section
Configuration for the NeoFS API client used for communication with other NeoFS nodes.
dial_timeout: 15s
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| dial_timeout | duration | `5s` | Timeout for dialing connections to other storage or inner ring nodes. |
# `policer` section
Configuration for the Policer service. It ensures that object is stored according to the intended policy.
head_timeout: 15s
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `head_timeout` | `duration` | `5s` | Timeout for performing the `HEAD` operation. |
# `replicator` section
Configuration for the Replicator service.
put_timeout: 15s
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `put_timeout` | `duration` | `5s` | Timeout for performing the `PUT` operation. |
# `object` section
Contains pool sizes for object operations with remote nodes.
pool_size_remote: 100
| Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
| `put.pool_size_remote` | `int` | `10` | Max pool size for performing remote `PUT` operations. Used by Policer and Replicator services. | |