Implement the primary structure and operation of the local object storage engine. Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
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package engine
import (
// PutPrm groups the parameters of Put operation.
type PutPrm struct {
obj *object.Object
// PutRes groups resulting values of Put operation.
type PutRes struct{}
var errPutShard = errors.New("could not put object to any shard")
// WithObject is a Put option to set object to save.
// Option is required.
func (p *PutPrm) WithObject(obj *object.Object) *PutPrm {
if p != nil {
p.obj = obj
return p
// Put saves the object to local storage.
// Returns any error encountered that
// did not allow to completely save the object.
func (e *StorageEngine) Put(prm *PutPrm) (*PutRes, error) {
defer e.mtx.Unlock()
// choose shards through sorting by weight
sortedShards := e.sortShardsByWeight(prm.obj.Address())
// check object existence
if e.objectExists(prm.obj, sortedShards) {
return nil, nil
shPrm := new(shard.PutPrm)
// save the object into the "largest" possible shard
for _, sh := range sortedShards {
_, err := sh.Put(
if err != nil {
// TODO: smth wrong with shard, need to be processed
e.log.Warn("could not save object in shard",
zap.Stringer("shard", sh.ID()),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
} else {
return nil, nil
return nil, errPutShard
func (e *StorageEngine) objectExists(obj *object.Object, shards []*shard.Shard) bool {
exists := false
for _, sh := range shards {
res, err := sh.Exists(
if err != nil {
// TODO: smth wrong with shard, need to be processed
e.log.Warn("could not check object existence",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
if exists = res.Exists(); exists {
return exists