Implement test analytics export into TMS systems #5

alexchetaev merged 3 commits from feature/export_test_cases_to_tms into master 2023-02-16 16:22:16 +00:00
6 changed files with 526 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ neo-mamba==1.0.0
# Dev dependencies

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from test_case import id, suite_name, suite_section, title
from test_collector import TestCase, TestCaseCollector
from testrail_exporter import TestrailExporter
from testrail_exporter import TestrailExporter

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import allure
from enum import Enum
from types import FunctionType
class TestCasePriority(Enum):
HIGH = 1
LOW = 3
def __set_label__(name: str, value: str, allure_decorator: FunctionType = None):
Generic function for do not duplicate set label code in each decorator.
We get decorated function as an object and set needed argument inside.
name: argument name to set into the function object
value: argument value to set into the function object
allure_decorator: allure decorator to decorate function and do not duplicate decorators with same value
def wrapper(decorated_func):
if allure_decorator:
decorated_func = allure_decorator(value)(decorated_func)
setattr(decorated_func, name, value)
return decorated_func
return wrapper
def id(uuid: str):
Decorator for set test case ID which can be used as unique value due export into TMS.
We prefer to use UUID4 format string for ID.
ID have to be generated manually for each new test.
uuid: id to set as test_case_id into test function
return __set_label__("__test_case_id__", uuid)
def title(title: str):
Decorator for set test case title / name / summary / short description what we do.
title: string with title to set into test function
return __set_label__("__test_case_title__", title, allure.title)
def priority(priority: str):
Decorator for set test case title / name / summary / short description what we do.
priority: string with priority to set into test function
return __set_label__("__test_case_priority__", priority)
def suite_name(name: str):
Decorator for set test case suite name.
Suite name is usually using in TMS for create structure of test cases.
name: string with test suite name for set into test function
return __set_label__("__test_case_suite_name__", name, allure.story)
def suite_section(name: str):
Decorator for set test case suite section.
Suite section is usually using in TMS for create deep test cases structure.
return __set_label__("__test_case_suite_section__", name)

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
import re
from docstring_parser import parse
from docstring_parser.common import DocstringStyle
from import DEFAULT_SECTIONS, Section, SectionType
DEFAULT_SECTIONS.append(Section("Steps", "steps", SectionType.MULTIPLE))
class TestCase:
Test case object implementation for use in collector and exporters
def __init__(
uuid_id: str,
title: str,
description: str,
priority: int,
steps: dict,
params: str,
suite_name: str,
suite_section_name: str,
Base constructor for TestCase object
uuid_id: uuid from id decorator
title: test case title from title decorator
priority: test case priority value (0-3)
steps: list of test case steps read from function __doc__
params: string with test case param read from pytest Function(test) object
suite_name: test case suite name from test_suite decorator
suite_section_name: test case suite section from test_suite_section decorator
# It can confuse, but we rewrite id to "id [params]" string
# We do it in case that one functions can return a lot of tests if we use test params
if params: = f"{uuid_id} [{params}]"
else: str = uuid_id
self.title: str = title
self.description: str = description
self.priority: int = priority
self.steps: dict = steps
self.params: str = params
self.suite_name: str = suite_name
self.suite_section_name: str = suite_section_name
class TestCaseCollector:
Collector working like a plugin for pytest and can be used in collect-only call to get tests list from pytest
Additionally, we have several function to filter tests that can be exported.
pytest_tests = []
def __format_string_with_params__(self, source_string: str, test_params: dict) -> str:
Helper function for format test case string arguments using test params.
Params name can be deep like a.b.c, so we will get the value from tests params.
Additionally, we check is the next object dict or real object to use right call for get next argument.
source_string: string for format by using test params (if needed)
test_params: dictionary with test params got from pytest test object
(str): formatted string with replaced params name by params value
target_string: str = source_string
for match in re.findall(r"\{(.*?)}", source_string):
nestings_attrs = match.split(".")
param = None
for nesting_attr in nestings_attrs:
if not param:
param = test_params.get(nesting_attr)
if isinstance(param, dict):
param = param.get(nesting_attr)
param = getattr(param, nesting_attr)
target_string = target_string.replace(f"{{{match}}}", str(param))
return target_string
def __get_test_case_from_pytest_test__(self, test) -> TestCase:
Parce test meta and return test case if there is enough information for that.
test: pytest Function object
(TestCase): return tests cases if there is enough information for that and None if not
# Default values for use behind
suite_name: str = None
suite_section_name: str = None
test_case_steps = dict()
test_case_params: str = ""
test_case_description: str = ""
# Read test_case suite and section name from test class if possible and get test function from class
if test.cls:
suite_name = test.cls.__dict__.get("__test_case_suite_name__", suite_name)
suite_section_name = test.cls.__dict__.get("__test_case_suite_section__", suite_section_name)
test_function = test.cls.__dict__[test.originalname]
# If no test class, read test function from module
test_function = test.module.__dict__[test.originalname]
# Read base values from test function arguments
test_case_id = test_function.__dict__.get("__test_case_id__", None)
test_case_title = test_function.__dict__.get("__test_case_title__", None)
test_case_priority = test_function.__dict__.get("__test_case_priority__", None)
suite_name = test_function.__dict__.get("__test_case_suite_name__", suite_name)
suite_section_name = test_function.__dict__.get("__test_case_suite_section__", suite_section_name)
# Parce test_steps if they define in __doc__
doc_string = parse(test_function.__doc__, style=DocstringStyle.GOOGLE)
if doc_string.short_description:
test_case_description = doc_string.short_description
if doc_string.long_description:
test_case_description = f"{doc_string.short_description}\r\n{doc_string.long_description}"
if doc_string.meta:
for meta in doc_string.meta:
if meta.args[0] == "steps":
test_case_steps[meta.args[1]] = meta.description
# Read params from tests function if its exist
test_case_call_spec = getattr(test, "callspec", "")
if test_case_call_spec:
# Set test cases params string value
test_case_params =
# Format title with params
if test_case_title:
test_case_title = self.__format_string_with_params__(test_case_title,test_case_call_spec.params)
# Format steps with params
if test_case_steps:
for key, value in test_case_steps.items():
value = self.__format_string_with_params__(value,test_case_call_spec.params)
test_case_steps[key] = value
# If there is set basic test case attributes create TestCase and return
if test_case_id and test_case_title and suite_name and suite_name:
test_case = TestCase(
return test_case
# Return None if there is no enough information for return test case
return None
def pytest_report_collectionfinish(self, pytest_tests: list) -> None:
Implement specific function with specific name
Pytest will be call this function when he uses plugin in collect-only call
pytest_tests: list of pytest tests
def collect_test_cases(self) -> list[TestCase]:
We're collecting test cases from the pytest tests list and return them in test case representation.
(list[TestCase]): list of test cases that we found in the pytest tests code
test_cases = []
for test in self.pytest_tests:
test_case = self.__get_test_case_from_pytest_test__(test)
if test_case:
return test_cases

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from test_collector import TestCase
class TestExporter(ABC):
test_cases_cache = []
test_suites_cache = []
def fill_suite_cache(self) -> None:
Fill test_suite_cache by all tests cases in TMS
It's help do not call TMS each time then we search test suite
def fill_cases_cache(self) -> None:
Fill test_cases_cache by all tests cases in TMS
It's help do not call TMS each time then we search test case
def search_test_case_id(self, test_case_id: str) -> object:
Find test cases in TMS by ID
def get_or_create_test_suite(self, test_suite_name: str) -> object:
Get suite name with exact name or create if not exist
def get_or_create_suite_section(self, test_rail_suite, section_name: str) -> object:
Get suite section with exact name or create new one if not exist
def create_test_case(self, test_case: TestCase, test_suite, test_suite_section) -> None:
Create test case in TMS
def update_test_case(self, test_case: TestCase, test_case_in_tms, test_suite, test_suite_section) -> None:
Update test case in TMS
def export_test_cases(self, test_cases: list[TestCase]):
# Fill caches before starting imports
for test_case in test_cases:
test_suite = self.get_or_create_test_suite(test_case.suite_name)
test_section = self.get_or_create_suite_section(test_suite, test_case.suite_section_name)
test_case_in_tms = self.search_test_case_id(
steps = [
{"content": value, "expected": " "}
for key, value in test_case.steps.items()
if test_case:
self.update_test_case(test_case, test_case_in_tms)

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
from testrail_api import TestRailAPI
from test_collector import TestCase
from test_exporter import TestExporter
class TestrailExporter(TestExporter):
def __init__(
tr_url: str,
tr_username: str,
tr_password: str,
tr_project_id: int,
tr_template_id_without_steps: int,
tr_template_id_with_steps: int,
tr_priority_map: dict,
tr_id_field: str,
tr_description_fields: str,
tr_steps_field: str,
Redefine init for base exporter for get test rail credentials and project on create exporter
tr_url: api url for create TestRailAPI object. See lib docs for details
tr_username: Testrail user login for api authentication
tr_password: Testrail user password for api authentication
tr_template_id_with_steps: id of test case template with steps
tr_template_id_without_steps: id of test case template without steps
tr_priority_map: mapping of TestCasePriority to priority ids in Testrail
self.api: TestRailAPI = TestRailAPI(tr_url, tr_username, tr_password)
self.tr_project_id: int = tr_project_id
self.tr_template_id_without_steps = tr_template_id_without_steps
self.tr_template_id_with_steps = tr_template_id_with_steps
self.tr_priority_map = tr_priority_map
self.tr_id_field = tr_id_field
self.tr_description_fields = tr_description_fields
self.tr_steps_field = tr_steps_field
def fill_suite_cache(self) -> None:
Fill test_suite_cache by all tests cases in TestRail
It's help do not call TMS each time then we search test suite
project_suites = self.api.suites.get_suites(project_id=self.tr_project_id)
for test_suite in project_suites:
test_suite_sections = self.api.sections.get_sections(
test_suite["sections"] = test_suite_sections
def fill_cases_cache(self) -> None:
Fill test_cases_cache by all tests cases in TestRail
It's help do not call TMS each time then we search test case
for test_suite in self.test_suites_cache:
self.api.cases.get_cases(self.tr_project_id, suite_id=test_suite["id"])
def search_test_case_id(self, test_case_id: str) -> object:
Find test cases in TestRail (cache) by ID
test_cases = [
for test_case in self.test_cases_cache
if test_case["custom_autotest_name"] == test_case_id
if len(test_cases) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"Too many results found in test rail for id {test_case_id}")
elif len(test_cases) == 1:
return test_cases.pop()
return None
def get_or_create_test_suite(self, test_suite_name) -> object:
Get suite name with exact name from Testrail or create if not exist
test_rail_suites = [
suite for suite in self.test_suites_cache if suite["name"] == test_suite_name
if not test_rail_suites:
test_rail_suite = self.api.suites.add_suite(
test_rail_suite["sections"] = list()
return test_rail_suite
elif len(test_rail_suites) == 1:
return test_rail_suites.pop()
raise RuntimeError(f"Too many results found in test rail for suite name {test_suite_name}")
def get_or_create_suite_section(self, test_rail_suite, section_name) -> object:
Get suite section with exact name from Testrail or create new one if not exist
test_rail_sections = [
section for section in test_rail_suite["sections"] if section["name"] == section_name
if not test_rail_sections:
test_rail_section = self.api.sections.add_section(
# !!!!!! BAD !!!!!! Do we really change object from cache or copy of suite object????
# !!!!!! WE have to update object in cache
# !!!!! In opposite we will try to create section twice and get error from API
return test_rail_section
elif len(test_rail_sections) == 1:
return test_rail_sections.pop()
raise RuntimeError(
f"Too many results found in test rail for section name {section_name}"
def prepare_request_body(self, test_case: TestCase, test_suite, test_suite_section) -> dict:
Helper to prepare request body for add or update tests case from TestCase object
request_body = {
"title": test_case.title,
"section_id": test_suite_section["id"],
if test_case.priority:
request_body["priority_id"] = self.tr_priority_map.get(test_case.priority)
if test_case.steps:
steps = [
{"content": value, "expected": " "}
for key, value in test_case.steps.items()
request_body[self.tr_steps_field] = steps
request_body["template_id"] = self.tr_template_id_without_steps
if test_case.description:
request_body[self.tr_description_fields] = self.tr_description_fields
return request_body
def create_test_case(self, test_case: TestCase, test_suite, test_suite_section) -> None:
Create test case in Testrail
request_body = self.prepare_request_body(test_case, test_suite, test_suite_section)
def update_test_case(self, test_case: TestCase, test_case_in_tms, test_suite, test_suite_section) -> None:
Update test case in Testrail
request_body = self.prepare_request_body(test_case, test_suite, test_suite_section)
self.api.cases.update_case(case_id=test_case_in_tms["id"], **request_body)