Roman Khimov 49a44b0b9d rpcsrv: use stricter GAS limit for calculatenetworkfee
Valid transactions can't use more than MaxVerificationGAS for script execution
and this applies to the whole set of signers, so use this value by default
unless local instance configuration suggests something lower for generic

Signed-off-by: Roman Khimov <>
2023-09-27 19:33:06 +03:00

29 KiB

NeoGo node configuration file

This section contains detailed NeoGo node configuration file description including default config values and some tips to set up configurable values.

Each config file contains two sections. ApplicationConfiguration describes node-related settings and ProtocolConfiguration contains protocol-related settings. See the Application Configuration and Protocol Configuration sections for details on configurable values.

Application Configuration

ApplicationConfiguration section of yaml node configuration file contains node-related settings described in the table below.

Section Type Default value Description
Address string Node address that P2P protocol handler binds to. Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
AnnouncedPort uint16 Same as NodePort Node port which should be used to announce node's port on P2P layer, it can differ from the NodePort the node is bound to (for example, if your node is behind NAT). Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
AttemptConnPeers int 20 Number of connection to try to establish when the connection count drops below the MinPeers value. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
BroadcastFactor int 0 Multiplier that is used to determine the number of optimal gossip fan-out peer number for broadcasted messages (0-100). By default it's zero, node uses the most optimized value depending on the estimated network size (2.5×log(size)), so the node may have 20 peers and calculate that it needs to broadcast messages to just 10 of them. With BroadcastFactor set to 100 it will always send messages to all peers, any value in-between 0 and 100 is used for weighted calculation, for example if it's 30 then 13 neighbors will be used in the previous case. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
DBConfiguration DB Configuration Describes configuration for database. See the DB Configuration section for details.
DialTimeout int64 0 Maximum duration a single dial may take in seconds. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
ExtensiblePoolSize int 20 Maximum amount of the extensible payloads from a single sender stored in a local pool. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
LogLevel string "info" Minimal logged messages level (can be "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "dpanic", "panic" or "fatal").
GarbageCollectionPeriod uint32 10000 Controls MPT garbage collection interval (in blocks) for configurations with RemoveUntraceableBlocks enabled and KeepOnlyLatestState disabled. In this mode the node stores a number of MPT trees (corresponding to MaxTraceableBlocks and StateSyncInterval), but the DB needs to be clean from old entries from time to time. Doing it too often will cause too much processing overhead, doing it too rarely will leave more useless data in the DB.
KeepOnlyLatestState bool false Specifies if MPT should only store the latest state (or a set of latest states, see P2PStateExchangeExtensions section in the ProtocolConfiguration for details). If true, DB size will be smaller, but older roots won't be accessible. This value should remain the same for the same database.
LogPath string "", so only console logging File path where to store node logs.
MaxPeers int 100 Maximum numbers of peers that can be connected to the server. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
MinPeers int 5 Minimum number of peers for normal operation; when the node has less than this number of peers it tries to connect with some new ones. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
NodePort uint16 0, which is any free port The actual node port it is bound to. Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
Oracle Oracle Configuration Oracle module configuration. See the Oracle Configuration section for details.
P2P P2P Configuration Configuration values for P2P network interaction. See the P2P Configuration section for details.
P2PNotary P2P Notary Configuration P2P Notary module configuration. See the P2P Notary Configuration section for details.
PingInterval int64 30 Interval in seconds used in pinging mechanism for syncing blocks. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
PingTimeout int64 90 Time to wait for pong (response for sent ping request). Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
Pprof Metrics Services Configuration Configuration for pprof service (profiling statistics gathering). See the Metrics Services Configuration section for details.
Prometheus Metrics Services Configuration Configuration for Prometheus (monitoring system). See the Metrics Services Configuration section for details
ProtoTickInterval int64 5 Duration in seconds between protocol ticks with each connected peer. Warning: this field is deprecated and moved to P2P section.
Relay bool true Determines whether the server is forwarding its inventory.
Consensus Consensus Configuration Describes consensus (dBFT) configuration. See the Consensus Configuration for details.
RemoveUntraceableBlocks bool false Denotes whether old blocks should be removed from cache and database. If enabled, then only the last MaxTraceableBlocks are stored and accessible to smart contracts. Old MPT data is also deleted in accordance with GarbageCollectionPeriod setting. If enabled along with P2PStateExchangeExtensions protocol extension, then old blocks and MPT states will be removed up to the second latest state synchronisation point (see StateSyncInterval).
RPC RPC Configuration Describes RPC subsystem configuration. See the RPC Configuration for details.
SaveStorageBatch bool false Enables storage batch saving before every persist. It is similar to StorageDump plugin for C# node.
SkipBlockVerification bool false Allows to disable verification of received/processed blocks (including cryptographic checks).
StateRoot State Root Configuration State root module configuration. See the State Root Configuration section for details.
UnlockWallet Unlock Wallet Configuration Node wallet configuration used for consensus (dBFT) operation. See the Unlock Wallet Configuration section for details. This section is deprecated and replaced by Consensus, it only exists for compatibility with old configuration files, but will be removed in future node versions.

P2P Configuration

P2P section contains configuration for peer-to-peer node communications and has the following format:

    - "" # any free port on all available addresses (in form of "[host]:[port][:announcedPort]")
  AttemptConnPeers: 20
  BroadcastFactor: 0
  DialTimeout: 0s
  MaxPeers: 100
  MinPeers: 5
  PingInterval: 30s
  PingTimeout: 90s
  ProtoTickInterval: 5s
  ExtensiblePoolSize: 20


  • Addresses ([]string) is the list of the node addresses that P2P protocol handler binds to. Each address has the form of [address]:[nodePort][:announcedPort] where address is the address itself, nodePort is the actual P2P port node listens at; announcedPort is the node port which should be used to announce node's port on P2P layer, it can differ from the nodePort the node is bound to if specified (for example, if your node is behind NAT).
  • AttemptConnPeers (int) is the number of connection to try to establish when the connection count drops below the MinPeers value.
  • BroadcastFactor (int) is the multiplier that is used to determine the number of optimal gossip fan-out peer number for broadcasted messages (0-100). By default, it's zero, node uses the most optimized value depending on the estimated network size (2.5×log(size)), so the node may have 20 peers and calculate that it needs to broadcast messages to just 10 of them. With BroadcastFactor set to 100 it will always send messages to all peers, any value in-between 0 and 100 is used for weighted calculation, for example if it's 30 then 13 neighbors will be used in the previous case.
  • DialTimeout (Duration) is the maximum duration a single dial may take.
  • ExtensiblePoolSize (int) is the maximum amount of the extensible payloads from a single sender stored in a local pool.
  • MaxPeers (int) is the maximum numbers of peers that can be connected to the server.
  • MinPeers (int) is the minimum number of peers for normal operation; when the node has less than this number of peers it tries to connect with some new ones. Note that consensus node won't start the consensus process until at least MinPeers number of peers are connected.
  • PingInterval (Duration) is the interval used in pinging mechanism for syncing blocks.
  • PingTimeout (Duration) is the time to wait for pong (response for sent ping request).
  • ProtoTickInterval (Duration) is the duration between protocol ticks with each connected peer.

DB Configuration

DBConfiguration section describes configuration for node database and has the following format:

  Type: leveldb
    DataDirectoryPath: /chains/privnet
    ReadOnly: false
    FilePath: ./chains/privnet.bolt
    ReadOnly: false


  • Type is the database type (string value). Supported types: leveldb, boltdb and inmemory (not recommended for production usage).
  • LevelDBOptions are settings for LevelDB. Includes the DB files path and ReadOnly mode toggle. If ReadOnly mode is on, then an error will be returned on attempt to connect to unexisting or empty database. Database doesn't allow changes in this mode, a warning will be logged on DB persist attempts.
  • BoltDBOptions configures BoltDB. Includes the DB files path and ReadOnly mode toggle. If ReadOnly mode is on, then an error will be returned on attempt to connect with unexisting or empty database. Database doesn't allow changes in this mode, a warning will be logged on DB persist attempts.

Only options for the specified database type will be used.

Oracle Configuration

Oracle configuration section describes configuration for Oracle node module and has the following structure:

  Enabled: false
  AllowPrivateHost: false
  MaxTaskTimeout: 3600s
  MaxConcurrentRequests: 10
  Nodes: ["", ""]
    Nodes: ["", ""]
    Timeout: 2
  RefreshInterval: 180s
  RequestTimeout: 5s
  ResponseTimeout: 5s
    Path: "./oracle_wallet.json"
    Password: "pass"

Please, refer to the Oracle module documentation for details on configurable values.

P2P Notary Configuration

P2PNotary configuration section describes configuration for P2P Notary node module and has the following structure:

  Enabled: false
    Path: "/notary_wallet.json"
    Password: "pass"


  • Enabled denotes whether P2P Notary module is active.
  • UnlockWallet is a Notary node wallet configuration, see the Unlock Wallet Configuration section for structure details.

Please, refer to the [Notary module documentation](./ node module) for details on module features.

Metrics Services Configuration

Metrics services configuration describes options for metrics services (pprof, Prometheus) and has the following structure:

  Enabled: false
    - ":30001"
  Enabled: false
    - ":40001"


  • Enabled denotes whether the service is enabled.
  • Address is a service address to be running at. Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
  • Port is a service port to be bound to. Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
  • Addresses is a list of service addresses to be running at and listen to in the form of "host:port".

RPC Configuration

RPC configuration section describes settings for the RPC server and has the following structure:

  Enabled: true
    - ":10332"
  EnableCORSWorkaround: false
  MaxGasInvoke: 50
  MaxIteratorResultItems: 100
  MaxFindResultItems: 100
  MaxFindStoragePageSize: 50
  MaxNEP11Tokens: 100
  MaxWebSocketClients: 64
  SessionEnabled: false
  SessionExpirationTime: 15
  SessionBackedByMPT: false
  SessionPoolSize: 20
  StartWhenSynchronized: false
      - ":10331"
    CertFile: serv.crt
    Enabled: true
    KeyFile: serv.key


  • Enabled denotes whether an RPC server should be started.
  • Address is an RPC server address to be running at. Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
  • Addresses is a list of RPC server addresses to be running at and listen to in the form of "host:port".
  • EnableCORSWorkaround turns on a set of origin-related behaviors that make RPC server wide open for connections from any origins. It enables OPTIONS request handling for pre-flight CORS and makes the server send Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers headers for regular HTTP requests (allowing any origin which effectively makes CORS useless). It also makes websocket connections work for any Origin specified in the request header. This option is not recommended (reverse proxy can be used to have proper app-specific CORS settings), but it's an easy way to make RPC interface accessible from the browser.
  • MaxGasInvoke is the maximum GAS allowed to spend during invokefunction and invokescript RPC-calls. calculatenetworkfee also can't exceed this GAS amount (normally the limit for it is MaxVerificationGAS from Policy, but if MaxGasInvoke is lower than that then this limit is respected).
  • MaxIteratorResultItems - maximum number of elements extracted from iterator returned by invoke* call. When the MaxIteratorResultItems value is set to n, only n iterations are returned and truncated is true, indicating that there is still data to be returned.
  • MaxFindResultItems - the maximum number of elements for findstates response.
  • MaxFindStoragePageSize - the maximum number of elements for findstorage response per single page.
  • MaxNEP11Tokens - limit for the number of tokens returned from getnep11balances call.
  • MaxWebSocketClients - the maximum simultaneous websocket client connection number (64 by default). Attempts to establish additional connections will lead to websocket handshake failures. Use "-1" to disable websocket connections (0 will lead to using the default value).
  • Port is an RPC server port it should be bound to. Warning: this field is deprecated, please, use Addresses instead.
  • SessionEnabled denotes whether session-based iterator JSON-RPC API is enabled. If true, then all iterators got from invoke* calls will be stored as sessions on the server side available for further traverse. traverseiterator and terminatesession JSON-RPC calls will be handled by the server. It is not recommended to enable this setting for public RPC servers due to possible DoS attack. Set to false by default. If false, iterators are expanded into a set of values (see MaxIteratorResultItems setting). Implementation note: when BoltDB storage is used as a node backend DB, then enabling iterator sessions may cause blockchain persist delays up to 2*SessionExpirationTime seconds on early blockchain lifetime stages with relatively small DB size. It can happen due to BoltDB re-mmapping behaviour traits. If regular persist is a critical requirement, then we recommend either to decrease SessionExpirationTime or to enable SessionBackedByMPT, see SessionBackedByMPT documentation for more details.
  • SessionExpirationTime is a lifetime of iterator session in seconds. It is set to TimePerBlock seconds by default and is relevant only if SessionEnabled is set to true.
  • SessionBackedByMPT is a flag forcing JSON-RPC server into using MPT-backed storage for delayed iterator traversal. If true, then iterator resources got after invoke* calls will be released immediately. Further iterator traversing will be performed using MPT-backed storage by retrieving iterator via historical MPT-provided invoke* recall. SessionBackedByMPT set to true strongly affects the traverseiterator call performance and doesn't allow iterator traversing for outdated or removed states (see KeepOnlyLatestState and RemoveUntraceableBlocks settings documentation for details), thus, it is not recommended to enable SessionBackedByMPT needlessly. SessionBackedByMPT is set to false by default and is relevant only if SessionEnabled is set to true.
  • SessionPoolSize is the maximum number of concurrent iterator sessions. It is set to 20 by default. If the subsequent session can't be added to the session pool, then invocation result will contain corresponding error inside the FaultException field.
  • StartWhenSynchronized controls when RPC server will be started, by default (false setting) it's started immediately and RPC is available during node synchronization. Setting it to true will make the node start RPC service only after full synchronization.
  • TLS section configures TLS protocol.

State Root Configuration

StateRoot configuration section contains settings for state roots exchange and has the following structure:

  Enabled: false
    Path: "./wallet.json"
    Password: "pass"


  • Enabled enables state root module.
  • UnlockWallet contains wallet settings, see Unlock Wallet Configuration section for structure details.

Consensus Configuration

Consensus configuration section describes configuration for dBFT node module and has the following structure:

  Enabled: false
    Path: "/consensus_node_wallet.json"
    Password: "pass"


  • Enabled denotes whether dBFT module is active.
  • UnlockWallet is a consensus node wallet configuration, see the Unlock Wallet Configuration section for structure details.

Please, refer to the consensus node documentation for more details on consensus node setup.

Unlock Wallet Configuration

UnlockWallet configuration section contains wallet settings and has the following structure:

  Path: "./wallet.json"
  Password: "pass"


  • Path is a path to wallet.
  • Password is a wallet password.

Protocol Configuration

ProtocolConfiguration section of yaml node configuration file contains protocol-related settings described in the table below.

Section Type Default value Description Notes
CommitteeHistory map[uint32]uint32 none Number of committee members after the given height, for example {0: 1, 20: 4} sets up a chain with one committee member since the genesis and then changes the setting to 4 committee members at the height of 20. StandbyCommittee committee setting must have the number of keys equal or exceeding the highest value in this option. Blocks numbers where the change happens must be divisible by the old and by the new values simultaneously. If not set, committee size is derived from the StandbyCommittee setting and never changes.
GarbageCollectionPeriod uint32 10000 Controls MPT garbage collection interval (in blocks) for configurations with RemoveUntraceableBlocks enabled and KeepOnlyLatestState disabled. In this mode the node stores a number of MPT trees (corresponding to MaxTraceableBlocks and StateSyncInterval), but the DB needs to be clean from old entries from time to time. Doing it too often will cause too much processing overhead, doing it too rarely will leave more useless data in the DB. This setting is deprecated in favor of the same setting in the ApplicationConfiguration and will be removed in future node versions. If both settings are used, ApplicationConfiguration is prioritized over this one.
Hardforks map[string]uint32 [] The set of incompatible changes that affect node behaviour starting from the specified height. The default value is an empty set which should be interpreted as "each known hard-fork is applied from the zero blockchain height". The list of valid hard-fork names:
Aspidochelone represents hard-fork introduced in #2469 (ported from the reference). It adjusts the prices of System.Contract.CreateStandardAccount and System.Contract.CreateMultisigAccount interops so that the resulting prices are in accordance with sha256 method of native CryptoLib contract. It also includes #2519 (ported from the reference) that adjusts the price of System.Runtime.GetRandom interop and fixes its vulnerability. A special NeoGo-specific change is included as well for ContractManagement's update/deploy call flags behaviour to be compatible with pre-0.99.0 behaviour that was changed because of the 3.2.0 protocol change.
Basilisk represents hard-fork introduced in #3056 (ported from the reference). It enables strict smart contract script check against a set of JMP instructions and against method boundaries enabled on contract deploy or update. It also includes #3080 (ported from the reference) that increases stackitem.Integer JSON parsing precision up to the maximum value supported by the NeoVM. It also includes #3085 (ported from the reference) that enables strict check for notifications emitted by a contract to precisely match the events specified in the contract manifest.
KeepOnlyLatestState bool false Specifies if MPT should only store the latest state (or a set of latest states, see P2PStateExcangeExtensions section for details). If true, DB size will be smaller, but older roots won't be accessible. This value should remain the same for the same database. This setting is deprecated in favor of the same setting in the ApplicationConfiguration and will be removed in future node versions. If both settings are used, setting any of them to true enables the function.
Magic uint32 0 Magic number which uniquely identifies Neo network.
MaxBlockSize uint32 262144 Maximum block size in bytes.
MaxBlockSystemFee int64 900000000000 Maximum overall transactions system fee per block.
MaxTraceableBlocks uint32 2102400 Length of the chain accessible to smart contracts. RemoveUntraceableBlocks should be enabled to use this setting.
MaxTransactionsPerBlock uint16 512 Maximum number of transactions per block.
MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement uint32 5760 Upper height increment limit for transaction's ValidUntilBlock field value relative to the current blockchain height, exceeding which a transaction will fail validation. It is set to estimated daily number of blocks with 15s interval by default.
MemPoolSize int 50000 Size of the node's memory pool where transactions are stored before they are added to block.
NativeActivations map[string][]uint32 ContractManagement: [0]
StdLib: [0]
CryptoLib: [0]
LedgerContract: [0]
NeoToken: [0]
GasToken: [0]
PolicyContract: [0]
RoleManagement: [0]
OracleContract: [0]
The list of histories of native contracts updates. Each list item shod be presented as a known native contract name with the corresponding list of chain's heights. The contract is not active until chain reaches the first height value specified in the list. Notary is supported.
P2PNotaryRequestPayloadPoolSize int 1000 Size of the node's P2P Notary request payloads memory pool where P2P Notary requests are stored before main or fallback transaction is completed and added to the chain.
This option is valid only if P2PSigExtensions are enabled.
Not supported by the C# node, thus may affect heterogeneous networks functionality.
P2PSigExtensions bool false Enables following additional Notary service related logic:
• Transaction attribute NotaryAssisted
• Network payload of the P2PNotaryRequest type
• Native Notary contract
• Notary node module
Not supported by the C# node, thus may affect heterogeneous networks functionality.
P2PStateExchangeExtensions bool false Enables the following P2P MPT state data exchange logic:
StateSyncInterval protocol setting
• P2P commands GetMPTDataCMD and MPTDataCMD
Not supported by the C# node, thus may affect heterogeneous networks functionality. Can be supported either on MPT-complete node (KeepOnlyLatestState=false) or on light GC-enabled node (RemoveUntraceableBlocks=true) in which case KeepOnlyLatestState setting doesn't change the behavior, an appropriate set of MPTs is always stored (see RemoveUntraceableBlocks).
RemoveUntraceableBlocks bool false Denotes whether old blocks should be removed from cache and database. If enabled, then only the last MaxTraceableBlocks are stored and accessible to smart contracts. Old MPT data is also deleted in accordance with GarbageCollectionPeriod setting. If enabled along with P2PStateExchangeExtensions, then old blocks and MPT states will be removed up to the second latest state synchronisation point (see StateSyncInterval). This setting is deprecated in favor of the same setting in the ApplicationConfiguration and will be removed in future node versions. If both settings are used, setting any of them to true enables the function.
ReservedAttributes bool false Allows to have reserved attributes range for experimental or private purposes.
SaveStorageBatch bool false Enables storage batch saving before every persist. It is similar to StorageDump plugin for C# node. This setting is deprecated in favor of the same setting in the ApplicationConfiguration and will be removed in future node versions. If both settings are used, setting any of them to true enables the function.
SecondsPerBlock int 15 Minimal time that should pass before next block is accepted. Deprecated: please use TimePerBlock setting (which overrides anything set here), SecondsPerBlock will be removed in future versions.
SeedList []string [] List of initial nodes addresses used to establish connectivity.
StandbyCommittee []string [] List of public keys of standby committee validators are chosen from.
StateRootInHeader bool false Enables storing state root in block header. Experimental protocol extension!
StateSyncInterval int 40000 The number of blocks between state heights available for MPT state data synchronization. P2PStateExchangeExtensions should be enabled to use this setting.
TimePerBlock Duration 15s Minimal (and targeted for) time interval between blocks. Must be an integer number of milliseconds.
ValidatorsCount uint32 0 Number of validators set for the whole network lifetime, can't be set if ValidatorsHistory setting is used.
ValidatorsHistory map[uint32]uint32 none Number of consensus nodes to use after given height (see CommitteeHistory also). Heights where the change occurs must be divisible by the number of committee members at that height. Can't be used with ValidatorsCount not equal to zero.
VerifyBlocks bool false This setting is deprecated and no longer works, please use SkipBlockVerification in the ApplicationConfiguration, it will be removed in future node versions.
VerifyTransactions bool false Denotes whether to verify transactions in the received blocks.