[#17] iam: Add converter to native policy #17

fyrchik merged 1 commit from dkirillov/policy-engine:feature/support-iam_to_native_converter into master 2023-11-21 09:05:27 +00:00

Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov d.kirillov@yadro.com

Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <d.kirillov@yadro.com>
dkirillov self-assigned this 2023-11-10 14:57:29 +00:00
dkirillov added 1 commit 2023-11-10 14:57:31 +00:00
[#XX] iam: Add converter to native policy
All checks were successful
DCO action / DCO (pull_request) Successful in 1m0s
Tests and linters / Tests (1.21) (pull_request) Successful in 1m11s
Tests and linters / Tests (1.20) (pull_request) Successful in 1m35s
Tests and linters / Tests with -race (pull_request) Successful in 1m29s
Tests and linters / Staticcheck (pull_request) Successful in 1m33s
Tests and linters / Lint (pull_request) Successful in 2m16s
Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <d.kirillov@yadro.com>
dkirillov changed title from WIP: [#XX] iam: Add converter to native policy to WIP: [#17] iam: Add converter to native policy 2023-11-10 15:03:29 +00:00
dkirillov added 1 commit 2023-11-13 13:55:57 +00:00
[#XX] iam: Support native converter
Some checks failed
DCO action / DCO (pull_request) Successful in 1m57s
Tests and linters / Tests (1.20) (pull_request) Successful in 2m41s
Tests and linters / Tests (1.21) (pull_request) Successful in 2m37s
Tests and linters / Lint (pull_request) Failing after 2m51s
Tests and linters / Staticcheck (pull_request) Successful in 2m31s
Tests and linters / Tests with -race (pull_request) Successful in 2m41s
Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <d.kirillov@yadro.com>

Is this PR duplicate of TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#800 ?

Is this PR duplicate of https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/pulls/800 ?

Is this PR duplicate of TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#800 ?

Not really, here we want to have converter from IAM (not EACL) policy to native policy

> Is this PR duplicate of https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/pulls/800 ? Not really, here we want to have converter from IAM (not EACL) policy to native policy

Is this PR duplicate of TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#800 ?

Not really, here we want to have converter from IAM (not EACL) policy to native policy

Hm, but looks like this will be frostfs-storage - specific, so i think it is better to do in frostfs-node repository.

> > Is this PR duplicate of https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/pulls/800 ? > > Not really, here we want to have converter from IAM (not EACL) policy to native policy Hm, but looks like this will be `frostfs-storage` - specific, so i think it is better to do in `frostfs-node` repository.
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from dfba3eb75b to 3191bab0fc 2023-11-14 12:10:54 +00:00 Compare
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from 3191bab0fc to cec3744f9f 2023-11-14 12:20:51 +00:00 Compare
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from cec3744f9f to e2e53d8f1e 2023-11-14 12:27:22 +00:00 Compare
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from e2e53d8f1e to 6f140f0df8 2023-11-15 12:07:16 +00:00 Compare
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from 6f140f0df8 to 9226dc32b9 2023-11-15 12:35:25 +00:00 Compare
dkirillov reviewed 2023-11-15 12:44:19 +00:00
@ -0,0 +78,4 @@
Condition: append(ruleConditions, conditions...),
engineChain.Rules = append(engineChain.Rules, r)

Note: we have to form several rules because of currently conditions can be combined only in one level OR/AND but in iam we have more complex scheme.
Also we need separate conditions for user in different rules to achieve OR behavior. The same for resources.

Consider applying initial policy for resources:

  • bucket1/object1
  • bucket2/*

In case of buket1/object1 resource we form native resource native:object//<bucket1-cid>/* and additional condition: FilePath must equal object1. So if we place both native resources (native:object//<bucket1-cid>/* and native:object//<bucket2-cid>/*) into one rule we will match only requests that operates on object with FilePath: object1 even for bucket2 but we want to apply rule to any object in bucket2

cc @fyrchik

Note: we have to form several rules because of currently conditions can be combined only in one level OR/AND but in iam we have more [complex scheme](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_condition-logic-multiple-context-keys-or-values.html). Also we need separate conditions for user in different rules to achieve OR behavior. The same for resources. Explanation: Consider applying initial policy for resources: * `bucket1/object1` * `bucket2/*` In case of `buket1/object1` resource we form native resource `native:object//<bucket1-cid>/*` and additional condition: `FilePath` must equal `object1`. So if we place both native resources (`native:object//<bucket1-cid>/*` and `native:object//<bucket2-cid>/*`) into one rule we will match only requests that operates on object with `FilePath: object1` even for `bucket2` but we want to apply rule to any object in `bucket2` cc @fyrchik
dkirillov changed title from WIP: [#17] iam: Add converter to native policy to [#17] iam: Add converter to native policy 2023-11-15 12:44:31 +00:00
dkirillov requested review from storage-core-committers 2023-11-15 12:44:40 +00:00
dkirillov requested review from storage-core-developers 2023-11-15 12:44:41 +00:00
dkirillov requested review from storage-services-committers 2023-11-15 12:44:41 +00:00
dkirillov requested review from storage-services-developers 2023-11-15 12:44:41 +00:00
alexvanin approved these changes 2023-11-15 13:43:20 +00:00
iam/policy.go Outdated
@ -223,2 +223,4 @@
func (p Policy) validate() error {
if len(p.Statement) == 0 {
return errors.New("'Statement' missing")

typo: 'Statement' is missing

typo: 'Statement' *is* missing
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from 9226dc32b9 to 3d8b63ac2a 2023-11-15 13:51:14 +00:00 Compare
dstepanov-yadro reviewed 2023-11-15 15:48:56 +00:00
@ -0,0 +30,4 @@
supportedS3ActionListBucket = "ListBucket"



Whoops. It's not necessary anymore

Whoops. It's not necessary anymore
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2023-11-15 15:50:00 +00:00
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from 3d8b63ac2a to c9d4d15db6 2023-11-16 06:36:53 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik reviewed 2023-11-21 08:15:28 +00:00
go.mod Outdated
@ -4,2 +4,3 @@
require github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.1
require (
git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go v0.0.0-20231114081800-3787477133f3

sdk-go could depend on this repo, not the other way around.

`sdk-go` could depend on this repo, not the other way around.

Should we avoid neo-go dependency as well? I think it is possible by making interfaces more abstract and return strings, instead of keys and container ids.

Should we avoid neo-go dependency as well? I think it is possible by making interfaces more abstract and return strings, instead of keys and container ids.

I would avoid if possible, though neo-go couldn't introduce circles, SDK easily can.

I would avoid if possible, though neo-go couldn't introduce circles, SDK easily can.

Ok, I'll fix this

Ok, I'll fix this
fyrchik approved these changes 2023-11-21 08:16:28 +00:00
dkirillov force-pushed feature/support-iam_to_native_converter from c9d4d15db6 to 5fa9d91903 2023-11-21 08:45:58 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik merged commit 5fa9d91903 into master 2023-11-21 09:05:27 +00:00
dkirillov deleted branch feature/support-iam_to_native_converter 2023-11-21 09:06:58 +00:00
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