I suppose we should add some value validation for tags like we expect that *tagInfo.Reservation != 0
Okay. Let me explain my point of view and, probably, we'll find a compromise.
These [types](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/policy-engine/src/commit/a3bc3099bd5bfefd702b44070d58982e477a56e…
Okay. You haven't marked the flag as required but it's not processed when it's empty either. Could we use searching within NNS as default behavior if its value is empty?
I can't simply check it's set or not and then fail if it isn't
Okay, if I understood you correctly, then you're struggling the problem that you can't know if the expiration epoch has been…
It seems this runs listing under chains
ape chains list-container
(although it can be just ape chains list
and flags can define targets) instead of ape list-rule-chains
service should allow list APE chains with node wallet
Anyway, the behaviour should be similar to container.List: both methods fetch data from the blockchain
Correct, listing/getting containers doesn't require to use a wallet. I think, the same…