Airat Arifullin aarifullin
  • Joined on 2023-03-16
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-23 13:21:25 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

Ah, yeah. Correct!

aarifullin pushed to fix/missing_locodes at aarifullin/frostfs-locode-db 2025-01-22 19:10:54 +00:00
655808ca0a [#21] locode: Count ignored and added records to result locode db
b9d1b05cd8 [#21] locode: Introduce locode overriding
16ff77e35c [#21] Makefile: Introduce UN/LOCODE overrides and copy it by the recipe
Compare 3 commits »
aarifullin created pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-locode-db#21 2025-01-22 19:10:05 +00:00
Add missing locode details using overrides
aarifullin created branch fix/missing_locodes in aarifullin/frostfs-locode-db 2025-01-22 19:07:51 +00:00
aarifullin pushed to fix/missing_locodes at aarifullin/frostfs-locode-db 2025-01-22 19:07:51 +00:00
bb24081e7c [#XX] locode: Count ignored and added records to result locode db
9637ed49ee [#XX] locode: Introduce locode overriding
663e7c715b [#XX] Makefile: Introduce UN/LOCODE overrides and copy it by the recipe
Compare 3 commits »
aarifullin created repository aarifullin/frostfs-locode-db 2025-01-22 19:07:22 +00:00
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-qos#1 2025-01-22 15:40:34 +00:00
mclock: Initial implementation

schedule is never initialized - way to panic?

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-qos#1 2025-01-22 15:26:59 +00:00
mclock: Initial implementation

I suppose we should add some value validation for tags like we expect that *tagInfo.Reservation != 0

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-qos#1 2025-01-22 14:05:50 +00:00
mclock: Initial implementation

realization -> implementation? :)

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-22 11:55:29 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

Please, let this flag be optional (see this)

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-22 07:54:17 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

raw is subcommand and Long won't be showed in the prompt

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-20 15:18:15 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

Okay. Let me explain my point of view and, probably, we'll find a compromise.

These [types](

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-20 14:40:42 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

Okay. You haven't marked the flag as required but it's not processed when it's empty either. Could we use searching within NNS as default behavior if its value is empty?

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1481 2025-01-20 11:10:43 +00:00
local_object_storage: Guarantee graves removal when handling expired tombstones

I can't simply check it's set or not and then fail if it isn't

Okay, if I understood you correctly, then you're struggling the problem that you can't know if the expiration epoch has been…

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-20 10:28:48 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

We don't need to pass it. See

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-20 10:28:48 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

Consider reusing flag names from common package, please!

aarifullin suggested changes for TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-20 10:28:48 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1607 2025-01-20 10:22:44 +00:00
adm/ape: Adopt policy reader

It seems this runs listing under chains subcommand ape chains list-container (although it can be just ape chains list and flags can define targets) instead of ape list-rule-chains.

aarifullin commented on issue TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1389 2025-01-15 13:30:10 +00:00
ape-manager service should allow list APE chains with node wallet

Anyway, the behaviour should be similar to container.List: both methods fetch data from the blockchain

Correct, listing/getting containers doesn't require to use a wallet. I think, the same…