2017-07-13 03:17:00 +02:00

8.6 KiB


[0.4.0] - 2017-07-13


  • CLI: The --http-timeout switch. This allows for an override of the default client HTTP timeout.
  • lib: The HTTPClient field. This allows for an override of the default HTTP timeout for library HTTP requests.
  • CLI: The --dns-timeout switch. This allows for an override of the default DNS timeout for library DNS requests.
  • lib: The DNSTimeout switch. This allows for an override of the default client DNS timeout.
  • lib: The QueryRegistration function on acme.Client. This performs a POST on the client registration's URI and gets the updated registration info.
  • lib: The DeleteRegistration function on acme.Client. This deletes the registration as currently configured in the client.
  • lib: The ObtainCertificateForCSR function on acme.Client. The function allows to request a certificate for an already existing CSR.
  • CLI: The --csr switch. Allows to use already existing CSRs for certificate requests on the command line.
  • CLI: The --pem flag. This will change the certificate output so it outputs a .pem file concatanating the .key and .crt files together.
  • CLI: The --dns-resolvers flag. Allows for users to override the default DNS servers used for recursive lookup.
  • lib: Added a memcached provider for the HTTP challenge.
  • CLI: The --memcached-host flag. This allows to use memcached for challenge storage.
  • CLI: The --must-staple flag. This enables OCSP must staple in the generated CSR.
  • lib: The library will now honor entries in your resolv.conf.
  • lib: Added a field IssuerCertificate to the CertificateResource struct.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for OVH.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for DNSMadeEasy.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for Linode.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for AuroraDNS.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for NS1.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for Azure DNS.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for Rackspace DNS.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for Exoscale DNS.
  • lib: A new DNS provider for DNSPod.


  • lib: Exported the PreCheckDNS field so library users can manage the DNS check in tests.
  • lib: The library will now skip challenge solving if a valid Authz already exists.


  • lib: The library will no longer check for auto renewed certificates. This has been removed from the spec and is not supported in Boulder.


  • lib: Fix a problem with the Route53 provider where it was possible the verification was published to a private zone.
  • lib: Loading an account from file should fail if a integral part is nil
  • lib: Fix a potential issue where the Dyn provider could resolve to an incorrect zone.
  • lib: If a registration encounteres a conflict, the old registration is now recovered.
  • CLI: The account.json file no longer has the executable flag set.
  • lib: Made the client registration more robust in case of a 403 HTTP response.
  • lib: Fixed an issue with zone lookups when they have a CNAME in another zone.
  • lib: Fixed the lookup for the authoritative zone for Google Cloud.
  • lib: Fixed a race condition in the nonce store.
  • lib: The Google Cloud provider now removes old entries before trying to add new ones.
  • lib: Fixed a condition where we could stall due to an early error condition.
  • lib: Fixed an issue where Authz object could end up in an active state after an error condition.

0.3.1 - 2016-04-19


  • lib: A new DNS provider for Vultr.


  • lib: DNS Provider for DigitalOcean could not handle subdomains properly.
  • lib: handleHTTPError should only try to JSON decode error messages with the right content type.
  • lib: The propagation checker for the DNS challenge would not retry on send errors.

0.3.0 - 2016-03-19


  • CLI: The --dns switch. To include the DNS challenge for consideration. When using this switch, all other solvers are disabled. Supported are the following solvers: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, dyn, gandi, googlecloud, namecheap, route53, rfc2136 and manual.
  • CLI: The --accept-tos switch. Indicates your acceptance of the Let's Encrypt terms of service without prompting you.
  • CLI: The --webroot switch. The HTTP-01 challenge may now be completed by dropping a file into a webroot. When using this switch, all other solvers are disabled.
  • CLI: The --key-type switch. This replaces the --rsa-key-size switch and supports the following key types: EC256, EC384, RSA2048, RSA4096 and RSA8192.
  • CLI: The --dnshelp switch. This displays a more in-depth help topic for DNS solvers.
  • CLI: The --no-bundle sub switch for the run and renew commands. When this switch is set, the CLI will not bundle the issuer certificate with your certificate.
  • lib: A new type for challenge identifiers Challenge
  • lib: A new interface for custom challenge providers acme.ChallengeProvider
  • lib: A new interface for DNS-01 providers to allow for custom timeouts for the validation function acme.ChallengeProviderTimeout
  • lib: SetChallengeProvider function. Pass a challenge identifier and a Provider to replace the default behaviour of a challenge.
  • lib: The DNS-01 challenge has been implemented with modular solvers using the ChallengeProvider interface. Included solvers are: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, gandi, namecheap, route53, rfc2136 and manual.
  • lib: The acme.KeyType type was added and is used for the configuration of crypto parameters for RSA and EC keys. Valid KeyTypes are: EC256, EC384, RSA2048, RSA4096 and RSA8192.


  • lib: ExcludeChallenges now expects to be passed an array of Challenge types.
  • lib: HTTP-01 now supports custom solvers using the ChallengeProvider interface.
  • lib: TLS-SNI-01 now supports custom solvers using the ChallengeProvider interface.
  • lib: The GetPrivateKey function in the acme.User interface is now expected to return a crypto.PrivateKey instead of an rsa.PrivateKey for EC compat.
  • lib: The acme.NewClient function now expects an acme.KeyType instead of the keyBits parameter.


  • CLI: The rsa-key-size switch was removed in favor of key-type to support EC keys.


  • lib: Fixed a race condition in HTTP-01
  • lib: Fixed an issue where status codes on ACME challenge responses could lead to no action being taken.
  • lib: Fixed a regression when calling the Renew function with a SAN certificate.

0.2.0 - 2016-01-09


  • CLI: The --exclude or -x switch. To exclude a challenge from being solved.
  • CLI: The --http switch. To set the listen address and port of HTTP based challenges. Supports host:port and :port for any interface.
  • CLI: The --tls switch. To set the listen address and port of TLS based challenges. Supports host:port and :port for any interface.
  • CLI: The --reuse-key switch for the renew operation. This lets you reuse an existing private key for renewals.
  • lib: ExcludeChallenges function. Pass an array of challenge identifiers to exclude them from solving.
  • lib: SetHTTPAddress function. Pass a port to set the listen port for HTTP based challenges.
  • lib: SetTLSAddress function. Pass a port to set the listen port of TLS based challenges.
  • lib: acme.UserAgent variable. Use this to customize the user agent on all requests sent by lego.


  • lib: NewClient does no longer accept the optPort parameter
  • lib: ObtainCertificate now returns a SAN certificate if you pass more then one domain.
  • lib: GetOCSPForCert now returns the parsed OCSP response instead of just the status.
  • lib: ObtainCertificate has a new parameter privKey crypto.PrivateKey which lets you reuse an existing private key for new certificates.
  • lib: RenewCertificate now expects the PrivateKey property of the CertificateResource to be set only if you want to reuse the key.


  • CLI: The --port switch was removed.
  • lib: RenewCertificate does no longer offer to also revoke your old certificate.


  • CLI: Fix logic using the --days parameter for renew

0.1.1 - 2015-12-18


  • CLI: Added a way to automate renewal through a cronjob using the --days parameter to renew


  • lib: Improved log output on challenge failures.


  • CLI: The short parameter for domains would not get accepted
  • CLI: The cli did not return proper exit codes on error library errors.
  • lib: RenewCertificate did not properly renew SAN certificates.


  • lib: Fix possible DOS on GetOCSPForCert

0.1.0 - 2015-12-03

  • Initial release