* Introduce `unlocode-CodeList_overrides.csv` that contains missing details for locodes from the main `unlocode-CodeList.csv` file; * Fix `Makefile`; * Add info to `README.md`. Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin <a.arifullin@yadro.com>
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UN/LOCODE database for ForstFS
FrostFS uses UN/LOCODE in storage node attributes and storage policies. Inner ring nodes converts UN/LOCODE into human-readable set of attributes such as continent, country name, etc.
This repository tools generate UN/LOCODE database for FrostFS using data from following sources:
- UN/LOCODE database in CSV format, licensed under the ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PDDL)
- Improved UN/LOCODE database that contains more details about LOCODEs (like coordinates) which may miss in UN/LOCODE database.
- OpenFlight Airports and Countries databases, licensed under the GNU AGPL-3.0 license
- OpenStreetMap® open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)
- Go 1.21
Quick start
Just run make
to generate locode_db
file for use with FrostFS InnerRing nodes.
$ make
--out locode_db
Then run frost-cli command to generate UN/LOCODE database.
$ ./frostfs-locode-db generate
Generate UN/LOCODE database for FrostFS
frostfs-locode-db generate [flags]
--airports string Path to OpenFlights airport database (csv)
--continents string Path to continent polygons (GeoJSON)
--countries string Path to OpenFlights country database (csv)
-h, --help help for generate
--in strings List of paths to UN/LOCODE tables (csv)
--out string Target path for generated database
--subdiv string Path to UN/LOCODE subdivision database (csv)
$ ./frostfs-locode-db generate \
--airports airports.dat \
--continents continents.geojson \
--countries countries.dat \
--in 2022-2\ UNLOCODE\ CodeList.csv \
--subdiv 2022-2\ SubdivisionCodes.csv \
--out locode_db
Database generation might take some time!
You can test generated database with frostfs-locode-db
$ frostfs-locode-db info --db locode_db --locode 'RU LED'
Country: Russia
Location: Saint Petersburg (ex Leningrad)
Continent: Europe
Subdivision: [SPE] Sankt-Peterburg
Coordinates: 59.88, 30.25
Building Debian package
The most simple way is to run a make target
$ make debpackage
When packages are built, you can clean up the leftover with
$ dh clean
$ make debclean
This project is licensed under the CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International - see the LICENSE file for details