[#390] frostfs-cli: Pass bearer token to Tree srv #427

realloc merged 1 commit from aarifullin/frostfs-node:feature/390-bearer_tree_srv into master 2023-06-07 13:04:21 +00:00
  • Add --bearer flag for "tree" subcommand

Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin a.arifullin@yadro.com

This PR is only first step to solve the issue. The bearer token can be generated with s3-authmate (but this is "custom" way of mine):

s3-authmate obtain-secret --wallet <wallet-path> --peer s03.frostfs.devenv:8080 --gate-wallet <gate-path> --access-key-id <AWS_ACCESS_ID> | jq .bearer 

This allows to get valid JSON bearer token that can be passed to cli with --bearer token, but I haven't checked if it's really fine (it generates only "OTHERS" roles for now)
Anyway, the rpc response is

rpc call: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = access to operation GET is denied by extended ACL check: not found allowing rules for the request

This is because container's role processing differs from object's (here is no SYSTEM role). We need to discuss this

* Add --bearer flag for "tree" subcommand Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin a.arifullin@yadro.com ----- This PR is only first step to solve the [issue](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node/issues/390). The bearer token can be generated with s3-authmate (but this is "custom" way of mine): ``` s3-authmate obtain-secret --wallet <wallet-path> --peer s03.frostfs.devenv:8080 --gate-wallet <gate-path> --access-key-id <AWS_ACCESS_ID> | jq .bearer ``` This allows to get valid JSON bearer token that can be passed to cli with `--bearer` token, but I haven't checked if it's really fine (it generates only "OTHERS" roles for now) Anyway, the rpc response is ``` rpc call: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = access to operation GET is denied by extended ACL check: not found allowing rules for the request ``` This is because container's role processing differs from object's (here is no `SYSTEM` role). We need to discuss this
aarifullin added the
labels 2023-06-05 16:03:47 +00:00
aarifullin force-pushed feature/390-bearer_tree_srv from 0bb092c7f8 to 9c4a2bffe0 2023-06-05 16:04:33 +00:00 Compare
requested reviews from alexvanin, storage-core-developers, storage-core-committers 2023-06-05 16:05:34 +00:00
acid-ant approved these changes 2023-06-07 07:07:36 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2023-06-07 07:09:33 +00:00
alexvanin reviewed 2023-06-07 07:58:14 +00:00
@ -45,0 +54,4 @@
func getBearerToken(cmd *cobra.Command) []byte {
if bearerPath, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(bearerFlagKey); bearerPath != "" {
var bt bearer.Token
err := common.ReadBinaryOrJSON(cmd, &bt, bearerPath)

Is there a reason to not use common.ReadBearerToken?

Is there a reason to not use `common.ReadBearerToken`?

Hm. You're right. Probably I've ignored ReadBearerToken for debug reason :) I fixed it

Hm. You're right. Probably I've ignored `ReadBearerToken` for debug reason :) I fixed it
aarifullin force-pushed feature/390-bearer_tree_srv from 9c4a2bffe0 to 189a367ef2 2023-06-07 08:08:46 +00:00 Compare
alexvanin approved these changes 2023-06-07 08:40:13 +00:00
alexvanin left a comment

This is because container's role processing differs from object's (here is no SYSTEM role). We need to discuss this

Actually, it works if you use S3 Gateway wallet to access the tree.

# create new credentials
frostfs-s3-authmate issue-secret --wallet frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --peer s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --gate-public-key 0313b1ac3a8076e155a7e797b24f0b650cccad5941ea59d7cfd51a024a8b2a06bf
Enter password for ../frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json >
  "access_key_id": "BeVd4t9Ue7qV8EGyaNJ6qBibbchLwiWSYiX5oqSnLJHg0D7opEDcVAwdyK4KZbEamqpMQ2fWpUfaGapNHpNhgiQGS",
  "secret_access_key": "3ebb7b0c2ec9fc0c64b0791effc9a3b2335b913b3681ba9c2da350b08bf66e36",
  "owner_private_key": "22c0234c2c10b4ab24bbd2aa5a0d8ecf66339eb067c56f9ec5d97426dd3d7f23",
  "wallet_public_key": "031a6c6fbbdf02ca351745fa86b9ba5a9452d785ac4f7fc2b7548ca2a46c4fcf4a",
  "container_id": "BeVd4t9Ue7qV8EGyaNJ6qBibbchLwiWSYiX5oqSnLJHg"

# create some object in S3
aws configure
aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.frostfs.devenv:8080 create-bucket --bucket "hello-world"
aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.frostfs.devenv:8080 put-object --bucket "hello-world" --key Makefile --body ./Makefile

# get container id of the bucket
$ curl --head http://s3.frostfs.devenv:8080/hello-world | grep X-Container-Id
X-Container-Id: 8ZbPdBDsfefqHPUsNoKXzvhWKDm9DNWY4PANVikhmGof

# get bearer token with custom authmate
frostfs-s3-authmate obtain-secret --wallet frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --peer s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --gate-wallet frostfs-dev-env/services/s3_gate/wallet.json --access-key-id BeVd4t9Ue7qV8EGyaNJ6qBibbchLwiWSYiX5oqSnLJHg0D7opEDcVAwdyK4KZbEamqpMQ2fWpUfaGapNHpNhgiQGS | jq .bearer > btoken.json
Enter password for ../frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json >
Enter password for ./services/s3_gate/wallet.json >

# use bearer with s3 gateway wallet to access the tree
frostfs-cli tree get-by-path -w frostfs-dev-env/services/s3_gate/wallet.json --bearer btoken.json --cid 8ZbPdBDsfefqHPUsNoKXzvhWKDm9DNWY4PANVikhmGof --latest --path 'Makefile' -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --tid version
Enter password >
        Parent ID:  0
        Timestamp:  3
        Meta pairs:
                FileName: Makefile
                Size: 5273
                ETag: 407bb90c909f12a9ddebdab7a84052e0ed6049a9cacfa5bdb266e86c2eda740b
                IsUnversioned: true
                OID: 7PuYwuJqDU9jGrA6HXfG2M6jbxJRxRAHphoG4EMdfV2Z
> This is because container's role processing differs from object's (here is no SYSTEM role). We need to discuss this Actually, it works if you use S3 Gateway wallet to access the tree. ``` # create new credentials frostfs-s3-authmate issue-secret --wallet frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --peer s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --gate-public-key 0313b1ac3a8076e155a7e797b24f0b650cccad5941ea59d7cfd51a024a8b2a06bf Enter password for ../frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json > { "access_key_id": "BeVd4t9Ue7qV8EGyaNJ6qBibbchLwiWSYiX5oqSnLJHg0D7opEDcVAwdyK4KZbEamqpMQ2fWpUfaGapNHpNhgiQGS", "secret_access_key": "3ebb7b0c2ec9fc0c64b0791effc9a3b2335b913b3681ba9c2da350b08bf66e36", "owner_private_key": "22c0234c2c10b4ab24bbd2aa5a0d8ecf66339eb067c56f9ec5d97426dd3d7f23", "wallet_public_key": "031a6c6fbbdf02ca351745fa86b9ba5a9452d785ac4f7fc2b7548ca2a46c4fcf4a", "container_id": "BeVd4t9Ue7qV8EGyaNJ6qBibbchLwiWSYiX5oqSnLJHg" } # create some object in S3 aws configure aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.frostfs.devenv:8080 create-bucket --bucket "hello-world" aws s3api --endpoint-url http://s3.frostfs.devenv:8080 put-object --bucket "hello-world" --key Makefile --body ./Makefile # get container id of the bucket $ curl --head http://s3.frostfs.devenv:8080/hello-world | grep X-Container-Id X-Container-Id: 8ZbPdBDsfefqHPUsNoKXzvhWKDm9DNWY4PANVikhmGof # get bearer token with custom authmate frostfs-s3-authmate obtain-secret --wallet frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json --peer s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --gate-wallet frostfs-dev-env/services/s3_gate/wallet.json --access-key-id BeVd4t9Ue7qV8EGyaNJ6qBibbchLwiWSYiX5oqSnLJHg0D7opEDcVAwdyK4KZbEamqpMQ2fWpUfaGapNHpNhgiQGS | jq .bearer > btoken.json Enter password for ../frostfs-dev-env/wallets/wallet.json > Enter password for ./services/s3_gate/wallet.json > # use bearer with s3 gateway wallet to access the tree frostfs-cli tree get-by-path -w frostfs-dev-env/services/s3_gate/wallet.json --bearer btoken.json --cid 8ZbPdBDsfefqHPUsNoKXzvhWKDm9DNWY4PANVikhmGof --latest --path 'Makefile' -r s01.frostfs.devenv:8080 --tid version Enter password > 4800413715384042197: Parent ID: 0 Timestamp: 3 Meta pairs: FileName: Makefile Size: 5273 ETag: 407bb90c909f12a9ddebdab7a84052e0ed6049a9cacfa5bdb266e86c2eda740b IsUnversioned: true OID: 7PuYwuJqDU9jGrA6HXfG2M6jbxJRxRAHphoG4EMdfV2Z ```
requested reviews from dstepanov-yadro, acid-ant 2023-06-07 09:12:14 +00:00

@alexvanin . Thanks!
Actually, I used the same way but it seems I've had incorrect local state

@alexvanin . Thanks! Actually, I used the same way but it seems I've had incorrect local state
acid-ant approved these changes 2023-06-07 09:36:33 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2023-06-07 10:31:56 +00:00
realloc merged commit 189a367ef2 into master 2023-06-07 13:04:21 +00:00
realloc deleted branch feature/390-bearer_tree_srv 2023-06-07 13:04:22 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#427
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