service should allow list APE chains with node wallet
service should allow list APE chains with node wallet
The issue won't be fixed. See TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1638 (comment)
This PR won't be merged because it breaks privacy giving the free access to list container APE rules and an owner isn't able to restrict this action (if we consider a public network).
As I've…
May we have a situation when the actor should sign not only by alphabet wallets but also simple wallets (alphabet + simple)?
This PR is absolutely OK with me. But, let's be honest, the PR is introducing rather a semaphore than a true limiter. It's just a naïve implementation of a rate-limiter. Here I suggest to discuss…
sem, ok := lr.m[key]
if !ok {
return func() {}, nil
Yeah, okay. Then nevermind
It's enough to acquire semaphore by two concurrent goroutines and we're on panic