Airat Arifullin aarifullin
  • Joined on 2023-03-16
aarifullin pushed to fix/1642_getsortsubtree at aarifullin/frostfs-node 2025-02-28 09:23:13 +00:00
41a913eca7 [#1642] tree: Fix sorted getSubtree for multiversion filenames
669571f367 [#1642] tree: Rename TreeSortedByFilename method's parameter
9a0507704a [#1651] apemanager: Wrap some errors with InvalidArgument status
2ff032db90 [#1654] adm: Get 'gasInitialTotalSupply' from network
37972a91c1 [#1654] adm: Make 'morph-init' idempotent
Compare 89 commits »
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1651 2025-02-27 15:14:04 +00:00
Wrap some errors with InvalidArgument status in apemanager service


You can see it already wraps errors within

// validateContainerTargetRequest validates request for the container target.
// It checks if request…
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1651 2025-02-27 14:33:17 +00:00
Wrap some errors with InvalidArgument status in apemanager service

Ah. Okay. Fixed

aarifullin pushed to feat/improve_apemngr_errors at aarifullin/frostfs-node 2025-02-27 14:32:43 +00:00
e65d8666c7 [#1651] apemanager: Wrap some errors with InvalidArgument status
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1655 2025-02-27 10:29:44 +00:00
Improve debug logging for APE check failures


aarifullin pushed to feat/improve_ape_log at aarifullin/frostfs-node 2025-02-27 10:28:42 +00:00
86a0292145 [#1574] container: Introduce debug logging for APE check failures
25e058bb40 [#1572] ape: Make ChainRouterError constructor public
b30e5b3274 [#1574] tree: Introduce debug logging for APE check failures
445a6c3a2f [#1574] object: Introduce debug logging for APE check failures
a991c9d6a9 [#1574] ape: Extend ChainRouterError
Compare 5 commits »
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1655 2025-02-27 10:25:14 +00:00
Improve debug logging for APE check failures

Let me explain why this is barely possible and justify the current approach

At the same time we return this error too, so it may be handled twice.

  1. ChainRouterError won't be processed…
aarifullin pushed to feat/improve_apemngr_errors at aarifullin/frostfs-node 2025-02-27 08:49:02 +00:00
6c38deb36b [#1651] apemanager: Wrap some errors with InvalidArgument status
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1655 2025-02-26 15:06:39 +00:00
Improve debug logging for APE check failures

In your example it is logged, then returned (on the caller it can also be logged (again), then returned etc.).

I caught your idea for now. Yes, I agreed. This point is absolutely fair

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go#322 2025-02-25 18:19:40 +00:00
[#51] add address to logs
Suggestion, not change request
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go#322 2025-02-25 18:15:18 +00:00
[#51] add address to logs

TBH, stuffing error messages with so many details doesn't look reasonable for me.

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1639 2025-02-25 15:24:01 +00:00
Support active RPC limiting
Optional change request
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1639 2025-02-25 15:21:23 +00:00
Support active RPC limiting

not positive -> non-positive :)

aarifullin pushed to feat/improve_ape_log at aarifullin/frostfs-node 2025-02-25 14:07:03 +00:00
ab3922488a [#1574] container: Introduce debug logging for APE check failures
aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1655 2025-02-25 13:30:17 +00:00
Improve debug logging for APE check failures

@dkirillov wrote in TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1655 (comment):

LGTM, but what about container operations?

Added for container service

aarifullin commented on pull request TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1655 2025-02-25 13:29:47 +00:00
Improve debug logging for APE check failures

I have implemented an encoder for *apecommon.ChainRouterError. Please, check.

I agreed with your suggestion